Tuesday, November 23, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, Of course the apostle and disciple John in his second letter to a female believer wrote that in truth and love he wrote to her, and not only that he was writing only to her but also to the brethren who had come to know the truth. He wrote that the love with which he wrote the second letter was based upon the truth that abides in all believers and will be with them forever. He also wrote that in truth and love that all believers would have grace, mercy and peace from Me, the Father, and from Jesus Christ, My Son. He wrote that it had given great joy to him to learn that some of her children were walking in My paths that I set ahead of them, just like I had commanded. (II John 1-3) He emphasized his own command by calling her "My Lady," and writing to her that what he was commanding of her was not a new commandment but one that all believers knew from the start, that being that they love one another and that that love involves their walking according to My commandments through Christ Jesus as they had heard from Him from the beginning, and of which He said was the proper way for them to walk. (II John 4-7) John reminded her that many deceitful men had gone out into the world preaching a new gospel that did not acknowledge that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh, which is the antichrist. He cautioned the lady to whom he was writing that she not lose what she had gained, writing that she must persist until she gets her reward in full. He wrote that anyone who professes that he or she is so enlightened that he or she does not remain rooted in the teaching about Jesus Christ, that person does not possess both Jesus Christ and the Father. He cautioned that if anyone comes to her house and does not teach Jesus Christ as being My Son, that she was not to let the person into her house, that she was not even to greet the person because anyone who greets the false prophet shares in the evil that he does. (II John 8-11) He wrote in this second letter that there was much, much more that he needed to tell her, but he did not want to put it down on paper, desiring instead and hoping to visit with her personally so that both of their joy would be full. He also gave to her the greetings of her sister in Christ who had sent her loving greetings along through John also.(II John 12-13) There was a great outpouring in the earth of the demons of the antichrist after the beginning of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit. The devil was mad that he had lost some of his earthly coverts and so he sent his missionaries into the earth to pollute the gospel of Jesus Christ, claiming that Jesus was not My Son but that he was merely a minister of mental persuasions instead of His being a minister of My powerful spiritual actions like were demonstrated through Him. Even though the second letter from John to the lady was short, it reiterated the truths that were contained in the first letter, adding his yes, amen, and so be it. Take his advice and do not believe any false teachers. John was probably writing personally to the particular lady because it's logical that she was probably a widow and did not have a husband who would protect her from apostasy, which was the abandonment of her original beliefs in Christ Jesus as being My Son. He felt responsible for keeping her alerted because the habit of the false prophets was to seek out widows who were desirous of a man to be their protector and provider, as the Holy Spirit had taught through Paul in his letter to Timothy. (II Timothy 3:1-7) It was then and still is a persistent problem in the body of Christ. Your Father of Cautious Warnings

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