Thursday, November 11, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, One of the advantages of doing right is a guarantee that nothing can harm you. Peter wrote that even if you need to suffer for the sake of righteousness, you'll be happy. In his first letter Peter told the Gentile and Jewish believers that they should not fear anything and that they should not be in awe of what other people fear. Instead, they should consider Christ Jesus first in their heart; and should anybody ask them the reason for their hope, they must be ready constantly to reply, making sure that their reply is given gently and respectfully. He wrote that the believers must keep a clear conscience so that when they are ridiculed that the people who libel their way of life in Christ may be ashamed of themselves. He wrote that if it's My will that they suffer, then it's better to do so for doing good deeds rather than for doing evil ones. (I Peter 3:13-17) In the first letter of Peter to believers, he wrote that the reason that Christ Jesus died for the sins of the world, His being a just Man dying for the unjust, was that he might lead people to Me. Even though He was put to death as far as earthly existence goes, He was given life in the realm of the Spirit. It was in the Spirit that He went to preach to the spirits in the prison of hell. They had disobeyed as long ago as Noah's generation, while I waited patiently for the Ark to be built. At that time, eight people escaped in the ark through the waters. Peter wrote that people are now saved by a baptismal bath which corresponds to the ark and the waters. This baptism is no removal of physical stain but it's My pledge of an irreproachable conscience through the resurrection of Christ Jesus. He came into My heaven and sits at My right hand with angelic rulers and powers subject to Him. (I Peter 3:18-22) Christ suffered in the flesh; therefore you must arm yourself with the knowledge that you have the same calling. He, speaking of Christ and the believers in His ministry, have suffered in the flesh, have broken with sin, no longer being loyal to it. Peter wrote that believers must no longer spend what remains of their earthly life on human passions and desires but only on doing My will. In the past you already spent enough time doing what the pagans enjoy, living lives of debauchery, evil desires, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and wanton idolatry. It's no wonder that the blasphemers are surprised that you, after becoming a new person, that you do not plunge into the same swamp of demonic activity where they live. They will eventually find themselves giving an account for all of those transgressions. After all, the reason that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached, even to the dead, was because even though they were condemned in the flesh in the eyes of humans, they might have the privilege of living their life in the Spirit and in My eyes. (I Peter 4:1-6) Peter encouraged the believers with the truth that the consummation of their hope was close at hand; therefore, they should not be worried but instead remain calm so that they would be able to pray. Peter knew by experience that praying in the Holy Spirit was the way to avoid being tempted by the devil. While accompanying Jesus in his wrestling with the decision of whether or not to yield to My will, Peter, James and John kept going to sleep instead of praying with Jesus. Jesus told them that they should at least be able to stay awake for an hour and pray so that they would not be tempted by the devil. The three disciples of Jesus went back to sleep three times instead of staying awake to pray in support of their Lord. Consequently, Peter denied knowing My Son three times as a result of his being tempted by the devil. (I Peter 4:7) Another valuable lesson that Peter wrote in his first letter to the believers was to let their love be constant for one another because love covers a multitude of sins. My Love will refuse to hold the sins of everyone against them but instead Love will forgive them. Jesus had given the disciples the power of My Holy Spirit to forgive sins when he appeared to them before He ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me. You have the power to forgive sins, to obliterate them as far as the east is from the west when you have the revealed truth that all sins are the result of the works of demons in the lives of people. When you forgive a person, you free that person from the demons' clutches. That is the ultimate gift of love. (I Peter 4:7-8) Peter walked, talked, lived and ministered with Christ Jesus. He knew Him and loved Him unequivocally. His insights became more in line with Paul's revelations the more Peter matured in the life of the Holy Spirit. His admonitions need to be followed in order for you to lead a rewarding Spirit filled life. Your Father Who Honors His Children With Wise Guidance (Psalm 1:1)

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