Monday, March 21, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, When Paul wrote to the Hebrews, he wrote that there were some people who were still babies in the knowledge of Me and My kingdom of God. They had not advanced from elementary teachings on faith, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, the erroneous theory of salvation by dead works, the purifying of the flesh and the eternal judgment and punishment of the devil and his demons. He wrote that the Hebrew believers in Jesus Christ should have been well versed in those doctrines already and moved on to more perfect spiritual maturity. Instead, their teachers continued to lay the same elementary foundations again and again. The danger of that, as Paul wrote, was that they would become spiritually bored and succumb to teachers who came into the church and turned them away from faith in Christ Jesus and led them back into religious Jewish Laws which bound them to sin and death. Paul assured the believers in the Hebrew churches that I am not so righteous as to forget their labor and love which they had shown for My sake in ministering to the needs of the saints. However, he wrote that he and his other ministers had hoped that they would show the same diligence in pursuing a firm one-on-one relationship with Me by continuing to seek more and more revelations from Me so that they would enjoy the same assurance of the hope that they had at the very beginning of their conversions when they had a hunger for My Words which was hard to satisfy. However, with only a firm foundation established and no revelations, he wrote to them that they needed to go on and seek more and more of the tutoring from My Holy Spirit or they might become so bored with elementary teachings that they would become spiritual sluggards instead of becoming imitators of the people who, through faith, lean their entire personality on Me through Christ in absolute trust and confidence in the power and wisdom of My Holy Spirit by practicing patience while waiting for inheriting all of My promises. It was this writing by Paul about his fears of their becoming bored with elementary teachings and retreating backward into previous powerless doctrines of Jewish Law that concerned Paul. He encouraged them to advance forward into seeking to become more and more transformed into the image of Christ by having their mind become the mind of Christ through Holy Spirit insights and revelations. Some of the Hebrews were stuck in spiritual kindergarten instead of advancing into more enlightened revelations that only My Holy Spirit's personal tutoring could teach them, which Paul called My oath. He wrote that My promises are yes and amen, so be it, to the people who continue to seek Me with their whole heart and find Me. They refuse to become satisfied with elementary teachings and continue moving forward in incorporating Holy Spirit led revelations into their spiritual repertory collections of revealed truths which continue to reveal Me and My plan for humanity. It is in those revealed truths as personally taught by the Holy Spirit to each person that I speak solid truths. That is when My promises to you become oaths, personally guaranteed by Me. Your soul is then anchored and cannot be deceived into slipping and falling backward again to old covenant inefficiency because you have reached further and further into My presence within the veil that once separated you from Me. Paul wrote that it is when My personal words are revealed to you and they become My oath confirming My promises that are found in My written words that the yes, amen, so be it, is established. My promise becomes My personal oath to you when I confirm My promise to you with My oath by My revealing insight through My personal words to you. In other words, what was merely a promise to you (logos) becomed My oath to you (rhema) when I speak My personal words to you concerning truths. It is through those two unchangeable things, the promise and the oath, that My children seize the hope that is set before them of inheriting My promises. (Hebrews 6:16-20) Deception flies out of the window when My children seek Me and hear My oath to them because it is then that My promises becomes Yes and Amen, So Be it! Your Father of Binding Promises and Oaths

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