Monday, March 7, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, There are times when My children commit themselves to pray for some request from another person that when they leave the presence of the other person the committment is forgotten immediately. In his teachings concerning your CONSCIENCE Paul wrote concerning those types of committments which go away from your conscious mind but your unconscious mind reminds you that you have agreed to pray and have not prayed. The solution to that problem is that you do not agree to pray if you realize that you have on many other occasions said that you would pray for the solution to a friend's problem but you immediately forget to pray. The problem is that you actually lied when you agreed to pray, knowing that it is your habit to forget the committment when you leave the presence of your friend. Paul wrote about this when he wrote his second letter to Timothy relating to the people in the church at Ephesis. He wrote that he thanked Me whom he worshiped with a pure CONSCIENCE in the spirit of his forefathers when, without ceasing, Paul remembered that he had committed to praying for Timothy night and day in his prayers and he wrote that he had fulfilled that promised commitment to pray. The spiritual assurance was that if he had neglected to pray for Timothy after commiting to pray for him day and night, then he had no assurance that Timothy would pray for Paul in his own commitment to pray for Paul which Timothy had also made. In that writing Paul said that in his worship of Me that his CONSCIENCE was pure and it did not convict him of neglecting his commitment to pray for Timothy. Paul even referred to Timothy's tears upon his saying farewell to Paul at their last meeting and how touched he was with the degree of Timothy's love. (II Timothy 1:5. Along that line, Paul remembered Timothy's sincere faith of leaning his entire personality on Me, trusting with absolute confidence of trust in his power, faith and goodness that Paul had first encountered in Timothy's grandmother and mother and that he had also experienced lived in Timothy also. Yet, Paul firmly in his writing encouraged Timothy to allow the flame of My gift of the Holy Spirit to him to keep burning intensely, that being the inner fire of My Spirit that was first evident when people laid hands upon him. Paul emphasized that I did not give to him a spirit of timidity and fear, but instead that I had given to him a Spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind. He told Timothy not to be ashamed to testify for their Lord nor for Paul, a prisoner for Timothy's sake, but he encouraged Timothy to take his share of the suffering to which the preaching of the Gospel exposed him, reminding Timothy that it is done in My power and not his own power. (II Timothy 1:5-8) In the second letter to Timothy, Paul reminded Timothy that it was Christ Jesus who had saved and called them with a holy calling that led to more holiness, that being a life of consecration and holiness, not because of the merits of anyone, but merely to further the purpose of My favor which was given to people in Christ Jesus before the world began. Paul went on in the letter to amplify several times the commitment to praying for Timothy that Paul had made and had kept as being a matter of holiness ( II Timothy 1:9) It is in this letter to Timothy that Paul made his most sound profession of faith when he wrote, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for I have believed in Him, being positively persuaded that He is able to keep and to guard everything that I have committed to Him until the day it is fulfilled." (II Timothy 1:12) When people ask you to pray for them in your prayers and you agree, it is the same truth, that person is persuaded that you will do what you said you would do, which is to pray fervently in your prayer closet for the person. Don't agree to pray if you know that you probably will not pray. Then your conscience will not convict you of telling a lie when you committed to pray. I am not the crueldiety who convicts you and then brings judgments into your life for lying. It's the devil who waits to catch you in a lie or a committment you know that you will not keep. His judgments are difficult to bear when he sets up a barrier between My children and Me and blocks the power of My Holy Spirit to intervene. Don't commit to anything that you know you will not be able to do. The prophet James covered this truth when he taught for you not to take an oath. Agreeing to do something is the same thing as taking an oath to do it. (James 5:12) Your Father Who is Loyal and Committed

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