Saturday, October 15, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt onto the route to the Promised Land, I gave to him advice and admonitions on ways to avoid falling into the hands of the devil's demons who would sabotage them from entering into the land that I had created for them, the land of milk and honey and grape branches that two strong men had trouble carrying. Those words of advice and admonitions from Me were to enable them to be able to skirt around the traps of the demons who had been in the earth since Adam and Eve had invited them into their paradise that I had created for humans. My rules and regulations were never meant to judge a person's being right or wrong. They were meant to be My guidance around traps and entanglements of the devil. Because of the demonic influences in the minds of the people traveling to the Promised Land, the advice, admonitions, rules and regulations became religious standards and measurements which the devil caused to be used in the minds of people either to judge people as being good or evilor a way for the devil and his demons to declare people as being either obedient to Me or disobedient to Me. Because of the devil causing people to be judgmental, the Israelites missed the whole reason for My giving to them guidance through My instructions.
For instance, one of My instructions/commands was that the people should not kill anyone. Because of My original principle of everything sows and reaps after its own kind, the devil used that valuable principle to multiply the curses of the demons in the earth. As in their ancestor Cain's obedience to the devil's temptation to kill his brother Abel, Cain's sowing the demon of murder into the earth by killing Abel multiplied the number of demons of killing in the earth, further cursing the earth with more and more demons of death, which is his character. My character is love and life. The devil's character is hatred and death. My admonition to the Israelites was given to them as good advice so that they would know that if they killed anyone that that action would increase the killing demons in the earth. It was a warning for the Israelites in order to keep demons of killing and murder from multiplying their curses in the earth.
Unfortunately, in your days in the earth it still shows that the earth is still full of the devil's demons who tempt My children to rebel against My advice and admonitions and do the will of the devil in the earth. Just like at the beginning of the earth when the devil was tempting Cain with the demon of anger and jealousy to enrage him to agree to kill his own brother Abel, I entice My children to refuse to obey the voice of the devil. (Genesis 4:2-7) I warned Cain that sin (one of the devil's demons) was crouching at the door (to his mind) and that its desire was to dominate Cain to do the devil's temptation which was to kill his brother Abel because of the demons of jealousy and anger that had tempted Cain and enraged him to carry out the demonic temptation to kill/murder Abel. That scenario is the perfect picture of temptation. The demons tempt My children to do the devil's will in the earth, but I also entice My children to do My will of not yielding to the temptation of the devil's demons and instead to dominate those tempting demons and to master them by refusing to do their bidding. Only by the power of My Holy Spirit are people able to do what I advised Cain to do, which was to master the demon of murder/killing and refuse to yield to its temptations.
As far as Cain was concerned, because of that scenario happening early after My creation of the earth and humans, there were fewer demons that were available for the devil to release in the earth. But after Cain killed Abel the demons of anger, jealousy and killing increased many times in the world and allowed those demons to gain more control in the earth, thus increasing sin, which is the devil's actions in the earth.
My advice, admonitions, commands, rules, regulations and laws are always given to My children by prophets in an effort for My children to be warned about the devil's proclivity to tempt My children to yield to the demons' temptations and thus allow them to flood the earth with their curses. However, as the prophet Isaiah said for me, "When the enemy comes in like a flood (just like the demons of anger, jealousy and killing flooded the earth in Cain's refusal to master the demon's temptation) My Holy Spirit always raises up a standard against the devil's temptation to sin." (Isaiah 59:19) I had spoken My standard to Cain, that he must master the temptation, but he didn't master the demons' temptations even though I spoke the standard of My Spirit in Cain's mind. Cain chose to obey the demons' temptations instead of obeying My advice to master the demons' temptations. (Genesis 4:6-7)
That scenario is repeated many times every day in the minds of My children. My Holy Spirit always raises up an opposing action in the minds of people who are being tempted by the devil to multiply the devil's sins (demons) in the earth. I counteract with My perfect way to handle the temptation of the demons, which is to master them by the power of My Holy Spirit. That is My standard. First My children must be born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit in order to have My spiritual power to master the demons' temptations instead of yielding to them. I also through Isaiah listed the demons that My children had obeyed and allowed to multiply in the earth which built a barrier between My children and Me. (Isaiah 59:1-18) I explained to humanity the problems that they were facing that were allowed to happen by their choices in obeying the temptations of the demons instead of obeying the guidance of My Holy Spirit which would master the demons (sins) that have been allowed to increase in the earth. I always raise up the opposing righteous behavioral choices in the minds of My children when they are tempted by the devil's demons in the earth. (Isaiah 59:19)
This truth has been hidden from My children for generations by the devil. My Spirit has been able to uncover it and bring it as truth to My children who hear My Holy Spirit's wisdom and knowledge. (John 14:23-27) Learn the lessons about the war between the devil and Me in the earth for the souls of My children. The war has never been between My children and Me, which the devil has proclaimed forever in an effort to deceive you. The battle has always been between the devil and Me in a battle for your soul. By your listening to Me and taking My advice, you master the demons by My telling you to send them into the lake of fire in the abyss, authorized by the power of My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:36-43) Then My children shine like the sun in My kingdom of God while in the world.
Your Father of Magnificent Plans
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