Saturday, October 29, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, One of the attitudes behind the fruit of patience of the Holy Spirit is your having courage in the face of adversity. In other words, when your enemy, the devil, comes into your life, flooding it with adverse events such as sickness, disease, harassment, failure, conflict, anger, judgment or other demonic activity in order to rob you of your good humor, you know that he really wants to rob you of your joy, thus, rob you of Life Abundantly, which is My Life. If he can rob you of your joy, he robs you of your physical, mental and spiritual strength. In the presence of adversity, if you access the courage of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, you are suddenly filled with patience and you mount up with wings as angels. My joy returns to you which renews your strength. You will run and not get weary, and you will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31) My Holy Spirit lifts you above the problem so that you are over it in my power instead of your being under the burden of the circumstances. My joy floods into your life as a standard and renews your strength. When you can access My courage which empowers you during adversity and tribulation. You become the head and not the tail because you are empowered during the situation instead of your being the tail with all of its weakness and depression. (Deuteronomy 28:12-13) When I told the children of Israel that I would make them the head instead of the tail, you must realize that in the head of all people are the brains which control the entire body, its movements, its thoughts, its power and strength, its ability to coordinate wisdom and knowledge, and it charts the course of a person's life. The only beneficial thing under the lower end of a person is its ability to discard a product made from excess food particles which are rejects of the body's already having processed it and used what is useful for nutrition. Being the head for all animals is far superior to being the tail. For humans, when you are the head, you prosper in all that you do. I do not faint or grow weary and I give My power to the weary and fainthearted who have no strength. (Isaiah 40:29) My observation was that even young people often faint and grow weary and the most admired of men stumble and fall down exhausted. (Isiah 40:30) But My promise to My children who seek to hear My words, obey them and then wait upon Me, is that I will renew their strength and power. They will certainly be lifted up over the adverse circumstances like eagles and those children of Mine shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not become tired, all as a result of seeking My words, hearing them and doing them. I said in that promise that the people who WAIT upon Me with PATIENCE and COURAGE are the ones who become the head and not the tail. Eagles are unique birds in that they climb in the air until they catch a current of air and then they rest and let the current move them on their way. The eagles waste very little energy when they fly. They let the current in the air do all of the work. That is what I want My children to do is to mount up with wings, like eagles do, and then allow the Holy Spirit to empower them with My power of the Holy Spirit, allowing My children to soar through adversities with very little human energy. It is My energy that empowers them. When you wait patiently I supply the courage, I supply the strength and the energy via My joy. (Isaiah12:3-4) Jesus Christ said that the good ground are people with an honest and good heart who, having heard My Word, keep it and with patience bring forth fruit. (Luke 8:15; Psalm 31:24; Psalm 27:14) Your Father of Mighty Power and Courage

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