Friday, September 16, 2011


Dear One,

When My Love came to earth in the bodily form of Jesus He was not recognized because He was not expected to be different than the religious people anticipated. They expected a Messiah who would obey their religious laws, keep all of their traditions, perform all social proprieties, be acceptable to society and be subject to their religious authorities. Yet He did none of those things. Instead, He healed individuals, delivered them from demons, called Me Father, communed with Me in prayer for hours instead of gathering with religious leaders, chose His own friends to whom He gave authority to assist His work, and He taught people lessons of life that would benefit them instead of teaching about the religious institutions. He was an enigma to religious people. But He was a savior to the common man.
Sometime you miss love in a human form because the person is unkempt, crass, unmannerly, unsophisticated, rebellious, nontraditional by your standards, yet the person knows how to love the unlovely because He has been unloved or unaccepted also.
Don't pass by those people who do not look like the kind of person you would choose to befriend, but watch for love in all human forms.
Sometimes the nonreligious person is the most loving person because he sees others from the inside, not the outer man who doesn't measure up to his religious standard.
Very often religious people are always measuring others by their own standards of religious laws, but the nonreligious people have no religious laws or standards by which to measure others, so they don't judge.
I want you to be like Jesus, laying aside all religious laws by which you have judged people. Then begin to see the inner person in every human being, seeing their love. You will see their need for your acceptance of them. After all, they are your brothers and your sisters. Loving families accept every member, even with their eccentricities.
You might have been one of the ones who rejected Jesus if you had walked the earth when He did. You might have rejected My Son, preferring your religious standards instead.
So be always on guard to accept everyone as a member of your family. They are My children, therefore your siblings. Love is what binds you together with them and with Me.
Love, God
Matthew 21:42; Mark 8;31; Galatians 4:14; Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:31; Hebrews 3:2.

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