Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Tommye Allen

My friend Jane has an adorable seven year old great granddaughter named Mercedes. Mercedes is a very spiritual little girl, as I have written about her in the past.
I'm going to tell you about a recent incident that Jane told me about. You will be convinced of the youthful wisdom of her great granddaughter.
It seems that Mercedes was spending the night with Jane and her husband. When they went to pick her up at her house she was in the carport carving a small pumpkin for her younger brother Timothy. She was determined to keep her promise to him.
As Mercedes was cleaning the seeds and pulp out of the pumpkin she kept saying, "Yuk." She was determined to finish the pumpkin for Timothy so she insisted on taking it to the home of her great grandparents to finish. She finished it and presented it to Timothy. He was overjoyed with her creation.
When it came bedtime, the special time Jane has with her of reading her a story, Mercedes said to Jane, "Nanny, I have a great idea. Instead of you reading to me, let's do what we used to do. Let's talk about Jesus."
The child told her Nanny that she had something wonderful and good to share with her. She reminded Jane of the bad yucky stuff inside the pumpkin that was so hard to clean out. Then she said, "Nanny, that's how God does it in our mind, He just starts working on our minds and keeps working until all the yucky stuff is cleaned out and it's all gone."
Jane said she wishes she could capture and describe in words Mercedes's countenance as she was speaking that truth. She said there was the look of complete peace on the child's face.
Jane describes her bedtime talks with Mercedes as their "God Time" in their lives. I'll bet Mercedes has a lot of God times in her life. She's blessed that way. I'm going to enjoy watching that child grow up and hearing other stories about her insight into God.
Mercedes doesn't know that the Apostle Paul told believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds in Romans 12:2. She didn't learn it from the Bible. She learned it straight from her Heavenly Father.

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