Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Dear One,

Relate to eveyone with whom you come in contact as if he or she were Me. I live in you, I live in them and when we meet we will embrace and glory in the love we share. Do the same with others in whom I live and breathe and have My being, treat them as your closest relative with whom you have your deepest love relationship. That's why people you meet respond so readily to smiles and greetings, it's the part of them that relies upon Me and responds to Me.
I have many temples in the earth, many dwelling places, and they are all inside of people.
Don't spend time noticing the differences in the outward parts of people that might not meet your approval. That part, the flesh, is temporary. The eternal part of people will live eternally with Me, as will you. Enjoy the inner part of all men as your brothers and sisters. They will notice your love and acceptance and repond to those acts of inclusion rather than rebelling against the acts of exclusion from others who do not know the truth.
You are all one body, supplying every need one to another just like I supply every need. I might choose a stranger to meet your needs.

Love, God
Hebrews 13:1-2; Ephesians 4:14-16; Romans 12:3-5; I Corinthians 6:16-17; I Corinthians 12:12-27.

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