Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Dear One,
What you don't know CAN hurt you, regardless of what people say.
What you don't know spiritually can hurt you because with wisdom and knowledge come power.
Not knowing that the devil is the source of all your problems can hurt you because without that knowledge you will either think that other people are at the root of bad things that happen to you or you will think that I am at the root of all bad things that happen to you.
I said through My son Paul that your battle is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers of the air. I said through My son John that My son Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. I said through My son James that all good and perfect things come from Me. Those revelations should make it know to people that the devil is the source of all evil, not Me and not other people.
So when people don't know that truth, that the devil is the source of all evil, then they will blame other people, even hating them, which will make it difficult to forgive and extend mercy to law breakers and people who hurt them and oppose them.
When people think that I am the source of evil, they often end up hating Me. All the time they have let the origin of evil, the devil and his demons, escape guilt free of their evil deeds.
Without knowing that the devil is the source of all evil, you will not be able to bless the people who curse you and spitefully use you and take from you and strike you, which I asked you to do. When you do know who is the source of all evil, you will be able to love the people who have fallen for the temptations of the devil, letting him do evil things through them. You will absolve the people of blame and put the blame where it belongs, on the devil; and you will do your best to do what Jesus did, destroy the works of the devil in your world.
So, yes, what you don't know can hurt you.
Love, God
I John 3:8; Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:10-18; James 1:17; Matthew 5:33-48; Matthew 7:1-5;
photo from: SapphiresMoonbeams

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