Thursday, October 18, 2012


Dear One,
     "Therefore with joy shall you draw waters out of the wells of salvation, and in that day shall you say, 'Praise the Lord.'"
     Choose to be happy every morning. 
     You can choose to be sad and morose if you want, but things will continue to be sad and morose all day long unless you determine to be happy along the way.
     Let Me tell you how it works.  Remember that I have given you free will, the right to make choices.  So if you choose to be happy the first thing in the morning, then joy from My Spirit inside of you will begin to engulf your mind and will overflow into your own emotions.  That's what the scripture at the beginning of this instruction says to you.  It says that you can choose to draw waters out of the well of My Spirit inside of you and you will begin to praise Me instead of your griping or complaining or enjoying your place of unhappiness.
     When you depend on outward circumstances to make you happy, then you make the circumstances or other people the lords of your life.
     When I told My children to choose life I was telling them that your own choices determine your present and your future.  It all begins with changing your thoughts and attitudes and your confession of words.  When you choose happiness, only choosing happy thoughts, happy memories, happy people with whom to interact, then you will experience joy abundant and full of glory.
      After you choose to be happy, changing your thoughts, your attitudes your words and your actions, then things will begin to happen to confirm your choice of happiness.  My wells of salvation will begin to open and you will receive My blessings instead of the devil's curses which were what made you sad.  
     Like I said, choose happiness every morning and happy circumstances will overtake you.   With joy shall YOU draw waters out of the wells of salvation.  Choose happiness and draw life giving waters.
     Love, God
Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Isaiah 12:2-6; Psalm 276; Psalm 32:11;Psalm 35:9; Psalm 35:27-28; Psalm 81:1-3; Isaiah 55:11-13.

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