Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Dear One, When thoughts of worry strike your mind, PRAY instead of worrying. When fretting thoughts enter your mind, PRAY instead of fretting. When thoughts of strife enter your mind, putting you at odds with anyone, PRAY for and bless the other person or people. When fear attacks your mind, PRAY instead of retreating from life. When condemnation and guilt enter your mind, repent of the offense and PRAY instead of falling for the demon of guilt which will drag you further into the pit of regret.
When depression begins to enter your mind, catch it at the first thoughts of "poor me" and PRAY instead of allowing it to put you in the prison of depression. Speak to that spirit of depression and command it to leave you and go to hell. When you begin to lose your peace, PRAY instead of wondering why you lost your peace. I said that you will have perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Me. Along with your prayers, also reestablish Our one on one relationship which has gone awry from your end of the communication. Keep My promises in the forefront of your mind instead of worrying, fretting, sowing strife through judging, feeling guilty, entertaining fear and becoming depressed. Remember that what a person thinks in his heart, so is he. If you choose to be worrisome, fretful, angry, depressed, fearful, condemned and filled with conflict, then accept those thoughts into your mind. They become your baby when you dwell on them. Also remember that worry is not a virtue, fear is not a virtue, fretting is not a virtue, condemnation is not a virtue, conflict is not a virtue, anger is not a virtue and depression is not a virtue. Religion will tell you that they are virtues. Those thoughts are sent from hell to catapult you out of My kingdom into the kingdom of satan where he can rule you emotionally and then do what he wants in your life, which is to destroy your peace, your love, your health, your prosperity, your testimonies and the stability of your mind which will certainly affect all that concerns you. When worry, fretting, depressing, condemning, fearful, angry and strife thoughts from hell enter your mind, the first thing you must do is attack with your arsenal, praying emphatically and fervently until those destructive thoughts from hell leave you and you are filled with faith again. My children shouldn't battle on the defensive as if they were the tail. My children should battle on the offensive, knowing that they are the head. Put on your helmet of salvation, the gospel of peace, the breastplate of righteousness and the sword of the Spirit. The battle is already won when you can do that. Love, God Psalm 37:1-11; II Timothy 1:7; James 3:13-18; Romans 8:1-2; Matthew 7:1-2; Matthew 16:19; John 10:10; Deuteronomy 28:13-14; Ephesians 6:10-18; Jude 20; Psalm 26:3-4.

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