Dear One,
Until Jesus came to earth nobody knew what eternal life was. Only in Him was there evidence of the reality of what My life is like. It is eternal, everlasting in duration, but it is more than that. It is powerful, an infinite times more powerful than human life. That is what eternal means, supernaturally powerful, with abilities that affect human life in miraculous ways. It means that I have all insight into problems in the earth and I have answers to those problems. It means that I have solutions to every confusing circumstance and situation that can ever happen to My children. It means that, because of the quality of life within Me, that I desire to give My solutions to all problems, detrimental circumstances and situations that happen to My children. It means that no matter what human beings do, I love them unconditionally. So it means that My love is eternal, everlasting, able to endure all kinds of disobedience, rebellion, stubbornness and assaults against Me. My love is durable, reaching into My children for the duration of time. (John 1:2-5)
The first thing that My children learn from their tutor, My Holy Spirit, is that there is nothing that they can do to stop My love from being extended to them. I wrote that promise in My Instruction Book when I said that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor hell, nor any other creature shall separate you from My love which is in Christ Jesus. Nothing; no, nothing can separate you from My love. It is eternal, everlasting, yours forever and ever because I am love. My love for you flows through My blood. My love for you joins the joints and marrow in your body. My love for you causes your brain to function in perfect order. Nothing can separate you from My love.
However, there are things in your life that come between us. When you are participating in the works of the devil, those works separate you from Me, but they don't separate Me from you. That means that My love, joy, peace and goodness are still being poured upon you, but evil thoughts, words, attitudes and actions which come from satan are setting up a barrier between your knowledge of My presence. My presence is still with you in the spiritual dimension, but blockages from you in your world have taken away your knowledge of My constant presence in My heaven. I am still distributing My blessings to you, but the barriers on your end stop the flow of those blessings into your life. (Romans 8:37-38)
My forgiveness is eternal. It is everlasting, never failing you no matter what you do. (John 1:29) Jesus has already died for every mistake you have made in the past or will make in the future. He satisfied the courts of hell that required death as punishment for sins. My forgiveness extends to the ends of the earth and into My heaven. (I John 2-2) It cannot be withdrawn because it is forever and ever. My forgiveness is for every person who ever lived and will ever live in the future. Nothing you can do can cause Me to withdraw My love from you.
My children are blinded to My love for them because of satan, who was made the god of the earth by Adam when he believed satan's temptations instead of believing My warnings in the beginning of the earth. (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:3-5) That evil spirit has put darkness into the minds of My children so that they do not know the intensity of My love for all of My creation. (II Corinthians 3:14-17)Only when My Holy Spirit reveals My love to My children are they able to be firmly rooted in My love. The spiritual blindness of My children is removed when My Spirit removes the devil's veil that he put there to separate you from the knowledge of My love. Then I am able to put the light of My life into your mind. It is called enlightenment. You begin to understand love and you begin to be rooted and grounded in My love. (Ephesians 3:14-20)
My life with all of its supernatural power is the light of people. My Spirit reveals all the aspects of My love to you if you will ask him. (Matthew 7:7-8)
Your Loving Father
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