Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Dear One,
    I told My children not to be dismayed or discouraged when bad outer circumstances look like they are never going to change. I am working in your behalf to change things so that they will work for your good. 
    What you don't realize is that most often My children have contributed to bad circumstances themselves by bad choices.  Often those choices are bad attitudes toward the poor, the people with infirmities, the downtrodden, the people who have opposing opinions and the less fortunate.  The choices that you make in your thoughts toward other people forms your attitudes toward them. 
    Jesus taught teachings about attitudes in what is called the Beatitudes, meaning be of these attitudes. He said that the people who mourn along with others, the people who are poor, the people who hunger for My righteousness, the ones who merciful, the ones who are pure in heart, the ones who bring peace to every situation and the ones who are persecuted for being kind and loving, will all be blessed because of their attitudes.  That was His first public delivery of My truth.  He was identifying the people whose attitudes are such that they attract My blessings into their lives. 
    Then Jesus announced the fact that My children are the salt of the earth, but if their character has become negative, condemning and judgmental, that they are no longer displaying My character which brings praises to Me and My personality.   He said that My children are the light of the world but if their light becomes dark, moody and depressed, then there are no good actions from them that bring glory to My name because they are no longer reflections of My light.
    So, very often, the thing that is lacking in the equation of praying in the Spirit + being led by My Spirit = everything working together for your good, is the part of the equation of being led by My Spirit.  If you are led by My Spirit, then He will produce My characteristics in you of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith.   (Romans 8:14-15; 26-28 )   With My characteristics displayed in your life, then you will be easily blessed beyond measure.
     The works that are referred to in "Faith without works is dead," are the working of My personality and characteristics in your life by My Holy Spirit so that you will be identified as My child, the inheritor of My blessings.  You will be merciful to the lawbreakers and the people who yield to the temptations of the devil.  Jesus said that the people who are merciful will obtain mercy because of the seeds of mercy that they extend to others.
     He said that the people who mourn will be comforted.  Mourning with others in their bad situations shows that your heart and My heart are tender toward the people who endure bad situations and circumstances, showing that I desire to comfort the brokenhearted because you do also.   As My child you are a refection of My compassion. 
     He said that the attitudes of the people who seek Me and My righteousness instead of seeking the treasures and pleasures of the devil which are evident in the world, those seekers of righteousness will be satisfied because I am already pursuing them. When they seek Me, We become unified and of one mind by My Holy Spirit.
     Jesus said that the pure in heart always see Me in every circumstance and situation instead of only seeing the evil that is evident to the human eyes.  They see My compassion, My mercy, My love, My goodness and kindness toward everyone involved in conflicts and strife.  They see that I desire to meet every need of every person who is plagued by the curses of evil choices.  The pure in heart always see the needs of a person instead of their bad choices, sins and iniquities.
     He said that My children who are schooled by Me to have the attitude of  keeping peace with everyone will be called My children because Jesus is the Prince of Peace and My children are also emissaries of My peace to the world, bringing peace to every situation and every circumstance.  People who keep peace with everyone are called My children.  The people who call themselves by My name who sow discord, strife, wars, dissension, anger and hatred in the world  are not My true children and they are the ones to whom Jesus said, "I never knew you."  (Matthew 7:21-23) They cannot be blessed by My kingdom while they live in the world because of the identity crisis of displaying the personality of the evil one rather than having the attitudes of My Holy Spirit. 
    Jesus said that My children are blessed who have My same attitudes toward others, displaying My compassion, My mercy, My peace, My love, My pure heart and My goodness; in other words, My righteousness. 
    I told you to seek My kingdom AND MY RIGHTEOUSNESS and everything will be added to your life, all of My blessings, all of My treasures and all of My goodness which is My pleasure to give will be yours.  (Matthew 6:33; Luke 12:32)
    If your prayers are not answered, check the salt in your attitudes and the light in your character.  If they are not of Me, then you are not identifiable as My child and My angels pass over you instead of work to bring My blessings to you. (Isaiah 59:1-2)
    To be fully blessed you must display the fruit of My Spirit in your life because you have become like Me by spiritual osmosis, reflecting My character because you have spent personal time with Me so that My character becomes your character.  When you do, blessing will overflow in your life.
     Your Blessing Producing Father         

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