Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Dear One,
     Jesus said that you must be careful lest the light in you becomes darkness. (Luke 11:35) There are efforts every day of your life for evil words to introduce darkness into your life.  Jesus actually said to "take heed"  or to watch out constantly that darkness does not invade your mind because its aim is to snuff out the light in you. 
     My light in you produces hope in My promises, faith in Me, peace with everyone, love for everyone, mercy toward everyone, goodness, joy, patience and kindness, which are the outgrowth of having My Holy Spirit resident in your life.  Darkness wants to destroy My light that is in you because My light identifies spiritual darkness as the curse that it is.  (Luke 11:36)
    The ministers of darkness in the days that Jesus walked the earth were many but most were religious leaders and political leaders.  They were the people who walked in darkness and tried to snuff out the light in Jesus.  They harassed Him at every turn, were in opposition to everything He did and taught.  However, they touted themselves as being followers of mine.  They were the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  (Luke 11:37-47) They were exacting about other people keeping religious laws but they neglected the things that Jesus said were most important which are mercy and love for everyone, especially the deceived people who become lawbreakers by yielding to the voice of evil in their thoughts.
    Religious leaders who call themselves by My name but who don't really know Me are the ones who put judgment and condemnation on people.  The light in them became darkness when they became judgmental.  I am merciful to people who are in darkness instead of being judging them.  My children should do likewise.
    Political leaders who also don't know Me heap fear, dread and anxiety upon My children by their predictions of doom. (Luke 11:52-54) They did it in the days of Jesus and they continue to do it today because they are influenced by evil spirits of negativity.  The politicians use fear and opposition to win their seats of influence and they continue to use fear to enslave people to their political philosophies.  I told My children to be obedient to those in authority over you, so as to stay in My light instead of becoming rebellious and confrontational.  I did not tell you to absorb their fear, dread and strife.  That is why I told My children that their citizenship is in heaven, not in the earth, so that they will not embrace doctrines that are taught by demons to certain of their religious and political leaders.  
   Remember, if the words of religious leaders and politicians are not words of love toward everyone, you must take heed not to let their words, attitudes and actions overtake you and snuff out My light that is in you.   
    Do not be swayed by the fears that are touted by religious leaders and politicians.  The spirits behind them are the same ones who persecuted Jesus because He invaded their dark world and began to shine My light on their dark words and beliefs.  (John 3:19-21) Their dark beliefs had become their gods instead of Me.  If their conversations are not filled with love for everyone, hope for the future, taking care of the widows and orphans, feeding the poor, forgiving rather than judging, then you should not listen to their negative rhetoric or you will be sucked back into the darkness from which I previously rescued you.
    Walk in My light and we will have fellowship with each other, communing and sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, that He came to earth to save all people from the grips of darkness which are often extended to My children by religious and political leaders. (John 1:1-5)
     There is no fear in love because My love casts out all fear.  Reject all speeches and writings which spread fear, hatred, anger, strife and opposition.  Embrace all speeches and writing which spread forgiveness, love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, faith and patience.  (I John 1:5-7)
    Fear and hatred desire to overcome the light that is in you the same as it did with Jesus when it caused Him to be killed on the cross.  He defeated it by being raised from the dead by My Holy Spirit and then He sent that same Spirit into you and others who choose to receive My comfort and truth.
     Fear targets a mind that is filled with love and peace.  It comes through religious and political philosophies.   I said to protect your heart for out of it flows the issues of the abundant life that I promised. (I John 4:18-21)
     Take heed lest the light in you is overcome with the darkness spoken by religious and political leaders who don't even know Me, only know a little bit about Me.  Their mouths and attitudes will identify their devotion to either Me or to their own political aspirations.
     Protect My light that is resident in you.  Hear from My Holy Spirit and you will become My righteousness in the earth because you know you are loved. 
     Your Merciful Father

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