Dear One,
First you must know what the word "discipline" means in the Greek language, in which the original texts were written. Discipline means to save, more specifically to save your mind. Discipline administered by Me is rarely used separate from in the context of your mind. So when My Instruction Book says to you that your Heavenly Father disciplines you, it means that I endeavor to save your mind from the temptations of the devil, which is where he entices you to sin. So in order to discipline you, I use My words to admonish you, calling you to notice that your thoughts, your attitudes, your words or your actions are contrary to what My will is for you. I discipline you in that way to teach you how to take control of your thoughts before they escalate into attitudes which will cause destruction in your life. Only through My showing you what My will is in your daily life will you know how to have self control over your thoughts, where all evil begins in the life of a person.
I never discipline My children by bringing bad situations, bad injuries, hurtful circumstances, diseases or anything evil into the life of My children. That is what the devil does with his children. That is not the kind of Father that I am and there are none of those evil things in My family. In fact, My battles are always with the devil and his demons who bring those curses against My children. I always disciple My children with My words of wisdom and words of knowledge. My battles are never with My children. (John 5:24)
When a child of earthly parents says an inappropriate word or appears to be plannIng a hurtful action toward someone, the parent admonishes the child, teaching the child that his or her behavior in unacceptable. I, as your good parent, admonish you by using My words, just as Jesus said that He disciplined His own followers. He said it was by His words. He learned it from Me in the way that I taught Him and disciplined Him. (John 17:17; John 8:51)
To worship Me means that you have paid attention to My words and you have taken My advice because you know that I have your best interest at heart when I discipline you by teaching you the thoughts, attitudes, words and actions that will benefit you and cause My kingdom to work for you. (John 4:23-24; John 14:15-18) You worship Me when you yield to My discipline as I teach you that certain thoughts and attitudes are contrary to My will for you because they come from hell in order to destroy you. To worship Me means that you have believed My words of discipleship and that I want to lead, guide and direct you into the narrow way that leads to life.
If you will yield willingly to My discipleship of you, you will have kingdom living while you live in the earth and in My heaven to come. When you hear My words and obey them, My kingdom will come to earth as it is in heaven.
I long for that day for My children.
Your Tutoring Father
When you become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit, I am able to efficiently and expeditiously speak My words to you from the inside of you. I caution you with My words of gentle discipline in order to make sure you stay on the right track in order for you not to become sidetracked by obeying the voice of evil who wants to lead you into destructive thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. I, as your living Father, sometimes speak sternly to you and sometimes speak gently to you, whatever is necessary to keep you on the right path of righteousness. (Hebrews 12:5-14)
I cautioned you about keeping peace with everyone, that you make sure that no root of bitterness enters into you by which you will become defiled, making sure that no one yields to sexual sin, or becomes a profane or godless person, My words steer you onto the paths which Jesus said are the ways of righteousness. (Hebrews 12:15-16)
If you will yield willingly to My discipleship of you, you will have kingdom living while you live in the earth and in My heaven to come. When you hear My words and obey them, My kingdom will come to earth as it is in heaven.
I long for that day for My children.
Your Tutoring Father
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