Monday, April 24, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   You need to be firmly planted in Me and completely convinced that I am Love, that My love for you is unconditional, never depending upon what you do or don't do.  There are no laws or restrictions that can keep My love from you.  My love for you is unrestricted, unconditional and unrestrained.  Just know that My love is never jealous, restricted or temporary.  It is forever and ever and ever, no matter what you do or say or imagine in your human mind.  (Romans 8:35-39) My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of you, is the only One who can assure you completely of the depth, width, breadth and height of My love for you.(I Corinthians 13:4-8)
    The only person who can separate you from My love for you is yourself when you depart from Me and join in unity with the father of evil.  My unconditional love for you is still in effect because it never ends, but your knowledge of My love for you is cut off by the father of evil because he blinds you to the power of My love that is forever flowing toward you. 
    My love for you is never ending.  It is as far as the east is from the west and around and around again since there is no end.  Even when you are fraternizing with evil, My love is still calling you back home to Me.  Your abundant life is still in storage for you, waiting for your return.  My children who wander away from Me and unite with the evil father are like the Prodigal Son, living and eating with the pigs because that's all that the devil can give to you is corruption and death.  Upon your return to Me and My family, all is forgiven and you are restored to spiritual royalty again as My child.  Old things are forgiven and forgotten and the things of the past are nonexistent in My eyes because My forgiveness means that they never existed in My mind.  I said that My love forgives a multitude of trespasses of religious and civil laws and sins.  Upon your return to Me I begin to feverishly rehabilitate you by filling your thoughts and your mind with My love and My gentle attitudes.  I program your mind with My wisdom and truth so that you will not easily be deceived again.  My truth sets you free, completely free from the clutches of evil thoughts, attitudes, manners of speaking and actions. (John 8:31-32)  My wisdom and insight reveals to you the nature of the evil one, his desire to kill you, rob from you, maim you and defeat you in every area of life. (John 10:10)
    When you are firmly established in My love for you, I am able to do for you exceeding and super abundantly far above all that you dare ask, think or imagine, infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams.  (Ephesians 3:20) I am able to do those things according to the power of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you because I am your Father and I love you.  When the power of My Holy Spirit is your motivation and your tutor, there is no limit to what I can do for you because you are My child, the object of My adoration and love. 
    Being established in My love for you is necessary for you to have the abundant life that I prepared for you because when your foundation of My love for you is established, your expectations, beliefs and faith in My favor toward you are endless.  Then the sky is not even a limit of what I am able to do because of the belief and expectation in you. 
    Everything I have is yours because you are part of Me and I am part of you.  We are One, so everything I have is yours.  You don't have to wait for your inheritance until you come to heaven to live with Me.  The benefits of our Father/child relationship begin now in your earth as it was at the beginning between Adam and Me before he allowed the devil to enter the world.  (John 17:20-23) With the indwelling of My Holy Spirit, communication with Me is easy and rewarding because I share all truths with you which set you free from bondage to evil.  He reveals My love to you and gives you faith.
   When the foundation of My love is solidly established in you, you can ask what you will and it will be done for you.  I promise.
    Your Heavenly Good Father

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