Sunday, April 2, 2017


Dearest Child,
    I stated that I desire that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. (III John 1:2)  That is an indication that I want your mind, which is made up of your thoughts, to be loving, blessed, happy, knowledgeable about My will and focused on keeping peace with everyone.  So the key to My kingdom's prosperity becoming evident in your life is dependent upon your ability to keep your mind free from negativity, conflict and anger so that your rightful inheritance is able to be distributed to you, body, soul and spirit.
    You are made in My image with a mind that is creative.  So your biggest endeavor in life is to keep your mind pure, unadulterated, nontoxic, and focused on My will for your life in the earth.  My will is evident in My Instruction Manual that I inspired My New Covenant prophets to write for you. which is My newly revealed relationship with My children.  My will told to you through the words of My Son Jesus is that I desire that you love other people with the same degree of unconditional love that I have for you. (John 13:34)  With the Holy Spirit's tutoring you in My love, you no longer will love others as you love yourself because that is a limited love. 
   With My Holy Spirit's power living inside of you, you have the ability to love others as I love you, with My unconditional love, that being without prejudice, vengeance, judgment, blame or favoritism.   Because of My love living inside of you, you will be merciful, kind, good, joyful, patient, forgiving, bearing the faults of others without vengeance, peaceful with of My other children, the friends and those whom you formerly called foes.  My will for you is that you no longer make enemies of other people but that you recognize your real enemy, the devil, who persists in filling your mind with his evil will for you, which is strife and discord with others.  His plan is that if he can get you to do his will in relation to others, then he can bring his destructive curses into your life.  Most of the time you don't even know that you are cooperating with the devil because your mind is so use to having negative thoughts that you entertain those thoughts as a normal way to live.  No, that is not My will for your life.  My will is that all things become new in your life, including your thoughts.  When your thoughts become new, only dwelling on things that are pure, loving, forgiving, kind, virtuous, positive, edifying to yourself and others, then it is a prosperous mind which will result in your becoming prosperous in health and in My inheritance of blessings coming into your life from My kingdom in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
    I wrote to you and to My other children that your should not be anxious for anything, but instead to make your needs and wants known to Me; and My peace will keep your heart and your MIND stable though the same power that kept the heart and mind of Christ Jesus steady and stable. (Philippians 4:6-7)   Then I listed the only things to which you should give permission to stay in your mind.  I said to think on things that are truth, pure, honest, just, loving, forgiving, positive and virtuous.  I instructed you that those things that you have learned about My character and My willful desire to bless you should be paramount in your thoughts. (Philippians 4:7-9) 
    When your thoughts reflect My thoughts, then you will have heaven on earth because your thoughts, attitudes, words and actions reflect My image for your life and you will be abundantly blessed.
   I know that the battle against evil thoughts is difficult.  That is why I gave you My Holy Spirit and His power.  He is the only way to defeat the works of the devil in your life.  (I John 3:8-11)  He did it through Jesus and He will do it through you.  I do not ask you to do these things and then leave you powerless.  I gave you the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and destroyed the works of the devil in the earth as well as in hell.  You are the ones who have to use the power to destroy the works of the devil now that Jesus is with Me.  Jesus can't do it for you and I can't do it for you.  You have to be courageous, brave and persistent enough to follow My instructions to keep negative thoughts from hell from taking up residence in your mind. If you don't, if you are deceived and lazy in your mission, then you are just another Adam, allowing the devil to multiply his curses in your life. (Genesis 2:)  My rewards for you are so magnificent that you should always want My perfect will in your life.  (Hebrews 11:6) It's your choice.
    Your Strengthening, Loving Father 

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