Saturday, April 22, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    My children who think that I and My will are sovereign in the earth have been blinded by the devil.  The truth is that My first child Adam turned over to the devil man's sovereign authority in the earth that I gave to people when I created Adam.  I said in the beginning that people would have dominion over the earth, meaning that they were the authorities of their earth that I gave to them. (Genesis 1:27-31) While Adam communed with Me at the beginning, I gave him wisdom and knowledge as His Father on how to have dominion over the earth, using My workable and wise insights.  I instructed him not to listen to the temptations of the devil in his mind because if he did listen and yield to evil that his blessed world would know evil works and its curses along with My good works and its blessings.  Often the evil works overpower the good ones because people choose the evil ones. (Genesis 3:1-3)
   When Adan allowed the devil to enter into his world by believing the devil's lies, he gave his authority in the earth over to the devil and the evil forces who brought curses into the earth that I had created to be beautiful and bountiful in blessings.  The devil's will began to be done in the earth instead of My will.  Jealousy, shame, condemnation, guilt, hatred and anger began to rule Adam's life instead of My love, peace and goodness.  Throughout the history of people there have been two kingdoms at work in the earth, My kingdom of love and peace and the devil's kingdom of hatred and strife.  That was not My will.  My will was for My children to always reject the temptations of the evil one, the devil, and to only listen to Me and My wisdom.
   I instituted many ways for My children to hear My voice and receive My instructions instead of always obeying the evil temptations from hell in their minds.  I sent prophets to speak for me.  I sent guiding laws through Moses on how to recognize the works of the devil so that My children could reject the devil's temptations in their minds.  Instead of using the religious laws for guidance on how to avoid evil, the devil convinced My children to use them to judge and condemn each other.  That was never My intention.  The priests that I gave to the people to speak for Me also used the guiding advice I gave in the religious laws to kill My children and add burdens to their lives.  Evil continued to rule the world that I created as a reflection of My heaven. 
   There was only one way that I could personally come into the world and restore the earth to be the reflection of My heaven that I intended for it to be at the beginning.  Because I had originally given the earth to people, I had to send My Son Jesus into the world by being born of a woman so that He would have a legal right to be the Savior of the world.  My Holy Spirit impregnated Mary with My divine sperm and Jesus Christ was born.  He was both Son of Man and Son of God with a human body and mind while also possessing My Holy Spirit and My Intellect in his DNA.  Being born through a human mother automatically gave Him the right to institute a new covenant with My children because He was part human, legally having man's original authority in the earth that I gave to My children.
    My plan worked and Jesus showed My real personality to the people of the world, that I am a loving Father who wants to shower My children with blessings, that I want to release them from bondage to the works of the devil and restore their authority in the earth that Adam so willingly gave over to the devil in the beginning.  Jesus did His appointed work in the earth, showing My will in the earth by healing the sick, casting out demons, performing miracles, teaching My truths so as to identify Me as a Loving Father instead of a stern taskmaster which religious men taught, the lie that they were taught by the devil.  Jesus was crucified for the sins of the whole world and went to hell for the sins of the whole world.  He paid the price for the sins of the whole world so that man's original authority in the earth that I gave to people could again be bestowed upon them.  (John 3:16-17)
    Jesus came back to live with Me in My heavenly dimension and He sent His authority, My Holy Spirit, into the earth to be received by all people who choose to be born of My Spirit so that their authority in the earth is restored to them as in the beginning when Adam communed with Me before he disobeyed Me.  Through the Holy Spirit living inside of them, those people have My authority to cast the demons out of people and from situations in the earth, cast the works of the devil and his demons into hell. 
    When My children are baptized in My Holy Spirit I also send into the earth My angelic hosts to accompany My children who seek Me, giving them power to battle against the devil's evil forces. (Acts 2:1-4; Hebrews 1:13014)  My armed forces, the angels, are instructed to obey the orders of My Spirit in the war between good and evil in the earth.  They get their instructions from My Holy Spirit when My children pray in My heavenly language through their human mouths.  You don't see the battles going on in the heavenly dimension, but there are constant battles going on in your behalf.  (Matthew 11:11-12)  Things in the earth are only reflections of what is going on in the heavenly dimension. 
    When you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit with His hosts of angels surrounding you, you have the authority restored to you that Adam had at the beginning.   Every thought that you think must be examined to make sure it is My will and not the devil's temptation to do evil.  Every attitude that develops from your thoughts must be examined for evil intentions so that you can cast them out if they promote evil.  Every word that you speak must be a result of your controlling the thoughts that come to our mind, making sure that the words you speak are edifying to the hearers.  Every action that you take must be led by My Holy Spirit so that My will can be done in the earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)  If you don't judge your thoughts, discerning whether they are from Me or from the devil, you are in danger of being like Adam, being deceived into inviting evil to reign in your life, cursing you and your earth.
   The two kingdoms are battling over you, My kingdom and the kingdom of hell. (Ephesians 6:10-18)  You choose minute by minute what you will have in your life, good or evil.  If you choose good, then you will have heaven on earth and live with Me eternally. If you choose evil, then you have chosen to have hell on earth, living the cursed life of the devil's will in the earth.
    I am your loving Father.  I don't force you to choose Me and My ways.  I provide you the power of My Holy Spirit to choose good.  I provide you with My Instruction Book which contains My New Covenant of Love, its constitution, bill of rights, and instructions on how to attain all of My blessings by authorizing My kingdom to come in the earth as it is in heaven.
   Choose My ways and live a joyful, peaceful, loving life in the earth.
   Your Father Who Battles for You So You Will Have My Peace

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