Sunday, November 12, 2017


My Dear Precious Child,
  In My efforts to warn you how to avoid participating with the devil, which leads to your own destruction, Jesus used His short time on earth to teach you how to recognize the tempting thoughts that the devil uses in your mind to entice you to do his will and join with him in creating problems for you.  If you will remember, Adam and Eve fell for his temptations and allowed the devil to bring curses upon them and upon the earth. (Genesis 3)  Remember, Jesus was also tempted by the devil and did not obey him because He knew they were deceptive efforts to trick Him into obeying the will of the devil in an effort to further the devil's curses in the earth and stop Jesus' ministry of saving My children and the earth from the effects of the devil's sins done through people. (Matthew 4:1-11) 
  Many of the teachings of Jesus were to identify the works of the devil so that you will refuse to obey the devil's temptations, refusing to give him permission to bring further destruction into your life through his curses.  Jesus' teachings also tell you how to enter into My kingdom while you live in the earth.  (Matthew 6:10)  It is when My will is done in the earth that My kingdom can come into your life.   
   Jesus outlined many times what is My will for your thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions that you take, and My new covenant prophets also reiterated them many times, hoping that you would be enlightened by them and be determined to do My will in the earth so that you will inherit all that My kingdom blessings have for you. 
   We talked about the temptations to worry, to become anxious, to become angry, to pray aloud to seek praise from people, to seek vengeance, to return evil for evil done to you, to become impatient with people and impatient with Me when prayers are not immediately answered.  One of the temptations which Jesus identified as one which has the most immediate and worse consequences is the temptation to judge someone.  Those judgments come in many thought patterns, thoughts of judging what people wear, judging their grooming, judging their actions, judging their words, judging their religion, judging their customs, judging their ethnicity, judging their beliefs or judging people for their actions toward you. 
   Jesus said that the guaranteed consequences of any kind of judgment from you is that the devil will see that you are judged by the same measure that you have judged someone else because judgment is what the devil does is judge My children.  (Matthew 7:1-5)  Jesus did not quantify it at all by saying that you might be judged by the devil.  He said that you will be judged by the devil.  When Jesus told you not to judge a person for the speck that is in his or her eye when you have a log in your own eye, He was saying that the log of judging someone in your own eye is many times more devastating to you than the speck in the eye of the other person is damaging to her or him.
   He told you in the same reference to judging that you must not cast pearls before swine or give what is holy to the dogs.  He was saying that when you judge someone that you are doing something evil toward a person who is holy in My eyes, one of My own children, because I live inside of that person.  When you judge someone you are playing the role of the devil because he became the judge of people and of the earth when Adam gave him authority over it.  Jesus did not mince words in that comparison because He said that if you do judge someone that the demons from hell will not only do evil toward the person but they will turn and trample you because you have joined with them in judging someone. (Matthew 7:6)  In other words, they will judge you with the same measure you have participated with the demons when you judged the other person.           
   The devil uses your emotions to try to deceive you into judge someone.  When he can deceive you into judging someone, then your evil thoughts become attitudes. Then those attitudes affect the words you speak and the actions that you take.  If you continue in the judgmental thoughts, then you will speak the devil's bitter words and they will pollute your life and the life of your family because you have spread the devil's evil works instead of spreading My good and kind works in the earth.  (Ephesians 4:29-32; Hebrews 12:14-15)  Remember that living in the earth is a battle between good and evil, choosing which you will distribute in the earth, either blessings or curses.
   I do not teach you how to identify the devil's works to condemn you.  I teach these things to you to save you from participating in the works of the devil.  I teach them to you so that instead of judging people, that you will judge the devil and only the devil when he tempts you.  I teach these insights to you so that you will be able to recognize your enemy, the devil, when he brings tempting thoughts into your mind to judge other people for anything that you think does not measure up to your standards.  However, when your standards become My loving standards, you will raise up the standard of love to everyone whom you are tempted to judge, blessing them instead of judging them, forgiving them instead of judging them, praying for them instead of judging them. and bringing peace to every situation.  When you forgive people, then My forgiveness for you is evident to you and you know that you are white as snow in my eyes.  If you refuse to forgive someone, then what is evident in the spiritual dimension is your judgment for someone which separates you from My kingdom benefits.   (Matthew 5:12)  When you bless people instead of judging them, My blessings flood into your life. (Isaiah 59:19)   When you pray for people instead of judging them, you will be healed. (James 5:16) 
   Judge the devil's tempting thoughts and cast them into hell.  That is their origin and they belong there where there is gnashing of teeth.  Don't let the devil use you to execute his judgment upon anyone.  If you do, then he will judge you also.  Jesus taught you this valuable lesson.  Learn it well and heed it.
   I am eager to flood your life with blessings.  Seek Me, seek My kingdom and My righteousness and everything I set aside in My inheritance for you will flood into your life.
   Your Father of Valuable Wisdom               

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