My Dear Precious Child,
If parents in the earth do not adequately protect their children from evil, keeping them from physical, sexual, spiritual and emotional abusers, they are considered neglectful parents and are in danger of losing their children to governmental agencies. If parents do not provide adequate food, shelter and guidance for their children, then they are charged with failure to provide for their children and are in danger of losing their children to governmental agencies. If parents expose their children to criminal behavior, then they are charged with contributing to the delinquency of their children, and they are in danger of losing their children to governmental agencies. All of those parental failures are considered bad parenting and their children need to be saved from the effect of inadequate or bad parenting. Oftentimes, the governmental agencies which are designed to protect the children, provide for them and save the children fail because of low funding and inadequately trained personnel. In that scenario, the children are worse off than they formerly were.
In the beginning I created the earthly home for My children and then created them, provided everything they needed as a good Father, placed them in a fruitful earth to tend it and enjoy its bounty. As a good parent in an effort to protect them, I gave them instructions on how to avoid evil temptations, telling them to only do the good that I taught them instead of doing evil which might come into the earth to tempt them. I identified the criminal behavior of the devil who might come into the earth and tempt them to do his evil works, instructing them not to obey the temptations, all in an effort to save them from doing works of evil which would invite destruction into their lives. My instructions and guidance were to save them from evil, as a good parent does, because I am a loving Father.
Unfortunately, My cautions were not obeyed by the first of My children that I created, and they allowed an evil spirit to enter into the earth through deceiving them. The results were that he, the devil, became a cruel parent to My children. (John 8:44) His evil deeds became their motivations rather than My goodness being their motivations. My children and their earth became subject to an evil dictator whose desire was to destroy My children and their beautiful earth that I had given to them. The evil dictator, the devil, placed a veil upon the minds of My children so that they could no longer identify the difference between good and evil. They only knew evil motivations which resulted in killing each other, robbing from each other and stealing from each other. The dictator's aim was to entice My children to destroy what I had created for them and destroy My gifts to them which would bring everything good into their lives.
In order to save My children from the works of the devil, I had to introduce My character to them so that they would be able to recognize Me and My true character in their minds. I slowly identified the elements of My character to them in degrees so that they would know Me as their provider, their protector, their deliverer, their victory; their peace, their healer, their guide, their ever present help, their goodness and their comfort. Very, very slowly My children began to recognize Me as their God by Me slowly introducing My character to them. (Genesis 22:14; Exodus 15:26; Exodus 17:15; Ezekiel 48;35; Jeremiah 33:6; Psalm 23:1)
Recognizing My true character came very slowly to My children because of the veil that was still upon their minds that kept them from knowing Me in My fullness. They were listening to the devil in their thoughts, but at least My revealing My character to them made them able to know Me in a small degree as who I am, their strength and their God. Unfortunately, because the veil also kept them from knowing the devil as who he is, all evil, My children thought that I was also God of evil as well as God of good. That misconception persisted in the minds of My children until I was able to send My Son Jesus into the world to show in a fleshly body My true nature of being their Loving Father. Jesus was able to show them that He was My son, the image of My true character, a loving healer, protector, provider, goodness, kindness, guide, helper, comforter, and their victory over evil that the devil implemented in their lives.
The religious leaders rejected all of the true teachings of Jesus because they refused to regard Me as a loving Father. They held onto the errors in their mind that I was both good and evil, an evil judge and an occasional good king. The devil encouraged the religious leaders and the religious politicians to hold onto that error so that they could easily manipulate the people out of fear of Me. That was what the devil had taught to the religious leaders and they refused to see it as a lie. (John 9:44; John 8:44) Even as Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons from the people and identified that the devil is their real enemy, as He healed the brokenhearted and declared the truth relating to My being a loving Father, the religious leaders plotted to kill Him. (Matthew 10:8) To regard Me as loving and kind, peaceful and good, was threatening to the religious leaders because as long as the people believed that I was both good and evil, they were easily manipulated by the fear of going to hell. As Jesus persisted in doing good in the earth, more people rejected the religious leaders and religious politicians and they turned to Jesus for His loving ministry of healing them and teaching them valuable truths about My true nature.
Through the ministry of Jesus many of My children were able to perceive Me as their good and loving Father, not the monster of good and evil that the religious leaders had taught. In an effort to restore My children to a loving relationship with Me as it was in the beginning before the devil was allowed to enter the earth and veil their minds with lies, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His being raised from the dead and His ascension into heaven to live with Me, He and I were able to send into the earth the Source of My power, My Holy Spirit. We sent Him to live inside of My children with the ability from the inside of them to teach My truths to them and to dispel the lies of the devil. My children who invite My Holy Spirit to live inside of them have a private tutor who has the power and ability to enlighten them on My true loving nature and My characteristics of goodness and kindness toward them, toward all of My children and toward their earth that I created for them to govern.
My Holy Spirit's words pierce through the devil's veil that he placed on the minds of all of My children. (Hebrews 4:19) My Spirit enlightens My children with revelations of My true nature and My goodness and kindness toward them as their Loving Father. I become personally known to them as their Loving Father. Miracles begin to happen in their lives because of My power being resident inside of them, and My characteristics become their characteristics. (Galatians 5:21-24) They become the light of the world, as Jesus proclaimed they would be. (Matthew 5:14-16). Their light leads others of My children back to Me.
My spiritual children have the power though My Spirit to reject the evil that still comes into their thoughts by the devil. I speak My words to you to save you from evil works from hell. Doing good by the power of My Holy Spirit is the motivation of My spiritual children who have made My Spirit the Lord of their lives. (II Corinthians 3:15-18) It is My Holy Spirit who saves you from evil and does My good works through you in the earth, endeavoring to bring My kingdom on earth to you as it is in heaven. I desire to create heaven on earth for My children who seek Me and My righteousness.
Your Father of Love and Kindness
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