My Dear Precious Child,
Evidently, My explanation to My children was not clear enough in identifying the demon that tempts them to kill others because when My Son Jesus came to earth He went into a more informative explanation. He started out by saying that you have heard it said by men of old that you should not kill and that if you do kill you will be liable for judgment to come upon you. The devil is the judge of men in the earth. Jesus didn't say that the old saying was a law or a commandment, even though you know it as a religious commandment. Evidently that old saying was not clear enough to identify the truth that killing others is an action tempted by the devil in your mind because Jesus took My advice even further and identified that the demon behind the killing of others as the demon of anger. He said, "But I say to you that anyone who is angry with anyone shall be liable for judgment."
To be told that anger will also bring the devil's judgment upon you as well as killing was a blow to the understanding of My children because anger was then, and is now, often considered by some people to be a badge of honor, a way to control other people. Jesus, in his revelation that the demon behind killing is the demon of anger was being definite in his teaching you that anger leads to killing, and that anger, itself, toward anyone in an invitation for the devil to judge you with his destruction and death.(Matthew 5:21) Knowing that striking back at someone always results in the temptation in the mind of that person to return your blow and causes the person to challenge you to the death, even setting a time and place for it to take place. It was thought that avenging yourself was honorable. Jesus was telling you to stop the thoughts of anger in your mind before you obey the temptation to follow the anger with an evil action because you will receive the judgment of the devil which is destruction and death, either immediately or in the near future. All of his admonitions were given to coach you into recognizing the temptations in your mind as being from the devil and for you to stop them at the moment of temptation or you will experience the judgments of having hell in your life.
In addition to adding onto the warning that anger is at the basis of killing, Jesus also added that anyone who insults someone because of anger is in danger of authorizing the devil's judgment council which invites his judgments of destruction to come into your life. Plus, He added that anyone who calls someone a fool because of yielding to the demon of anger is in danger of the fires of hell. Clearly and distinctly Jesus said that insulting someone as a result of yielding to the demon of anger by calling the person a fool will bring upon you the fires of hell. He was amplifying the old saying that you should not kill by saying that even being insulting to someone and calling them names will cause you to have the devil's hell on earth in your life. The devil's plan is that he tempts you to become angry, then he causes you to insult the person or call the person a derogatory nam. Then, because of the chain of events which merely started with anger but led to insults and name calling became an open invitation for the devil, who tempted you with anger,inviting him to bring his army of demons into your life with permission to curse your life in many ways. (Matthew 5: 21) Jesus did not say that these things might happen. He said they will happen because He knew the character of the devil and He resisted the devil's temptation himself which would have ruined His ministry in the world if He had yielded to the temptations. Yielding to the devil's temptation to become angry also dims My light that I put inside of you which draws all people to Me.
You have seen the fracas that ensues when someone becomes angry at another person and hits him or insults him publicly. The second person returns the strikes or insults and soon bystanders are brought into the matter, increasing the evil. Then destruction always happens, sometime even death. Even if the disagreement is not done publicly, even if done in private the participants will bring other family members or friends into the matter later and perpetuate the disagreement. Tempers will flare at the behest of the devil and eventually revenge will result in destruction or death. Jesus warned you in His words not to become angry. His warnings are clearly written in My Instruction Book so that you will not fall for the temptation to become angry with anyone or destruction will come into your life. It cannot be more clear.
My Holy Spirit revealed the reason why I give warnings to you in the form of laws and commandments, and it is to identify the devil's strategies so that when the temptations come to your mind to be angry that you will cast them out of your mind and into hell. Now My children are fully informed that the wages of listening to the devil and obeying him are that he will flood your life with his destruction if you do yield to his temptations. I said that the warnings or laws are not evil, but that the temptations to become angry are increased in your thoughts and they are evil because they lead to destruction in your life. (Romans 7:7-12)
Jesus did not leave you with a warning and then leave you without a solution. I always provide solutions to everything that happens in the lives of My children. Jesus said in His revelation of the fact that anger leads to destruction and even death, he that if you are offering your gifts at the altar and realize that someone has some angry thought against you, that you should leave the altar and make peace with the person and then return and give your gifts. In other words, He was saying that any time there is a disagreement between two people that the devil is present in their lives in the disharmony and he will keep your prayers from being answered. (Matthew 5:21-26; I Peter 3:7) He said that the devil will continue to curse both lives when there is a disagreement because that is his mode of operation in the earth, using angry thoughts in the minds of My children to cause fights, disagreements, discord and vengeance so that he can rob, kill and destroy the lives of My children by bringing the fires of hell into their lives . But when My children apologize and make peace with everyone, then My kingdom comes into their lives and brings My heavenly benefits of the abundant life.
The old law of "do not kill" was not doing what I intended for it to do, which was to alert My children not to yield to the devil to kill anyone like Cain did when he killed his brother Abel. The devil watered it down and started giving to My children thoughts that anger is a badge of honor, elevating one person over another one through the curse that he put on men to rule over women when he first entered the earth though Adam. (Genesis 3:16)
Rejoice. I sent My Son Jesus into the earth and warned you and all of My children through Him that the demon of anger is at the basis of all killings. If you will stop the demon of anger's first thoughts in your mind, then you will not authorize the devil to bring his fires of hell into your life so that you have hell on earth instead of having heaven on earth as I intended if you keep peace with everyone.
I even told you not to ever try to avenge yourself but that you let Me do it. I know who is the real culprit, the devil, and I know how to thwart his evil plans for you. (Romans 12:19) If you try to get revenge for yourself, you further the anger in any situation and increase the devil's curses in your life. But, if you allow Me to avenge you, I will take actions against the devil and his demons who have tempted you to return evil for evil. Making peace with your opponent is your mission and then I am able to take My revenge against the demons who curse My children with his temptations to do evil in the earth.
My admonition to never return evil for evil is workable with the power of My Holy Spirit.
Your Protective Father
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