Dear Precious Child,
The objective of your enemy, the devil, is to dominate you through depressing you mentally until you feel beneath other people, less important than your peers, submissive to them, subject to their ridicule, having no self worth, no motivation to improve, being satisfied with being the tail instead of the head, being at the bottom instead of the top, being less fortunate instead of the most fortunate, one of the cursed people of the earth instead of the blessed. Depression makes you feel comfortable at being deprived instead of prized. I want you to feel prized and loved. That comes by taking My advice and honoring My words. (Deuteronomy 30)
The demonic spirit of depression manifests itself in many ways. One is in thoughts and attitudes, telling you that you are unattractive, unappealing, lacking in physical, mental and emotional attributes which make you acceptable to people. Those demonic thoughts are like the anorexic person who already is skin and bones but when he or she looks in the mirror the image that is reflected is of a fat person, indicating that the person needs to eat less and less. A person who has a demonic spirit of depression looks in the mirror and sees someone who doesn't measure up to friends and so he or she feels that trying to look better is useless because the person can never attain the standards as set forth in his or her socio+economic bracket. That is a lie from hell. It is the demonic spirit of depression which wants to dominate you through your thoughts that come from being depressed and also from the attitudes of other people who want to run from that demonic spirit and its attributes displayed through you.
The motivation behind the demonic spirit of depression living in you is to make you feel unworthy even though I want you to feel worthy, to make you feel unattractive when you are actually attractive, to make you feel unimportant when I want you to feel important, to cause you to feel a kinship with the poor of the earth instead of feeling a kinship with the blessed people of the earth. The demonic spirit of depression also makes you attractive to people who are domineering because you are so easily dominated mentally and emotionally. That spirit of depression will attract you to people who will ridicule you, insult you and demean you until you feel actually at the bottom of the social chain rather than at the top of the social chain in which you feel prized, appreciated, honored and respected.
A spirit of depression living inside of you will not be satisfied until it makes you feel like excrement, unworthy of any praise and unworthy of being accepted as a person of value. My Holy Spirit wants to do the opposite in you, to elevate you to a position of being loved and accepted, being prized and respected by everyone because you are My child. My Holy Spirit wants to cause all old depressing thoughts, attitudes, spoken words, actions, clothes and adornments to pass away which reflect a poor, depressed person. I want them to be eliminated and replaced by new and more attractive things which reflect new thoughts, new attitudes, new motivations and new adornments. I make all things new, attractive and beautiful, reflective of My kingdom. (I Corinthians 5:17-22)
The first thing that needs to happen when this truth is revealed to any depressed person is that all old things need to be eliminated from their lives. Any identify with depression and unworthiness needs to be cast out of their lives because the demonic spirit of depression attaches itself not only to the inside of a person but also to the clothing and adornment of the person. The old clothing and adornments are the objects through which ridicule by other people are guaranteed to come in order to cause the depressed person to feel more depressed because he or she feels so unworthy in the eyes of others. Stripping oneself of the bodily coverings that are testimonies of being depressed is completely necessary in order to be totally free from the demon of depression.
I placed in My Instruction Book the necessary requirements to emerge from the curses that come with having a demon of depression. (Isaiah 58:3-11) I told My children that when they fast that they are not to fast in sackcloth and ashes which is reflective of the clothes of the poor people of the earth. (Matthew 6:16-23) I told them to put on a merry face, a prosperous countenance and only fast in private, not publicly as the hypocrites do in order to be deemed religious by other people. By adorning yourself with clothes that are a compliment to you and to Me, you are reflective of having chosen My blessings instead of the curses of the devil. The curses of the devil from generations past will afflict the spiritually depressed of My children, wanting them to reflect being children of poverty and lack, only worthy of receiving pity from others instead of respect from them.
My children who choose My blessings instead of the devil's curse of depression will live lives that reflect their choice. They will dress as a person worthy of love and respect instead of dressing as a person who is begging for pity and ridiculing thoughts toward them from others. They will speak as a person who is worthy of love and respect instead of speaking as a person who is begging for pity and dishonor from others.
The demonic spirit of depression in a person begs other people, as all beggars do, for pity and ridicule. My children who have chosen Me and My family have chosen My blessings. They will receive respect and honor from other people, not the devil's cruses and poverty of spirit.
You are a light to the world. Your demeanor and your adornments will reflect your choices, whether you persist in choosing depression or whether you persist in choosing My love and My blessings. You choose pity and ridicule if you choose to continue being depressed. You choose respect and love when you choose to live My life of blessings.
Blessings attract more blessings. Curses attract more curses.
Choose My blessings and live a life of joy.
Your Father of Royal Respect and Honor
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