Saturday, December 16, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
   Your world has robbers who steal from people.  There are many, many more spiritual robbers who rob from My children the blessings that I gave to them at the beginning of time.  Those robbers are called demons and they were identified by My Son Jesus when He walked the earth and cast them out of My children, freeing My children from bondage to evil thoughts, attitudes, words and actions which enabled the demons to rob from them.  In the teaching of Jesus about seeds of truth that are sown by Me into the minds of My children and what happens to those truth seeds which are meant to produce prosperity in every area of your life, as I intended, but there are also the devil's seeds placed in your mind which produce poverty in every area of your life.
   In the doctrine of truth of My desire for My kingdom to come into your life on earth, Jesus even identified the devil's robbers which can steal My words of truth from your mind and heart. (Mark 4:2-9) He told about the people who are not even interested in having My kingdom enter into their lives, that My words of truth are rejected immediately. He said that the demonic spiritual robbers steal those truths from My children before they are even allowed to enter into the minds of My children.  The demons snatch those away from the paths where they were rejected.
   Then Jesus identified the spiritual robbers who steal from My children who are hardhearted, uninterested in spiritual truths but they still listen to My truth.  The spiritual demons of religious logic or political reasoning which cause My children to depend upon religious rules and regulations or political parties to be their gods, those people will experience robbery of My truths from their minds by religious and political demons.  The devil's pride which enters inside of My children will cast out My truths from their minds instead of My children casting out the demons of pride, their bondage to religious laws or their bondage to political parties which promise to be their providers and their protectors through their religious or political institutions.  When they are persecuted for believing My truths, the devil's spiritual robbers erase My truths from the minds of some of My children, placing there the devil's religious and political promises of their being the greatest person on earth or belonging to the greatest nation in the world, which the devil promises will bring prosperity in every area of life to them.  Those people who have believed the devil's lies, wanting power over people instead of power over evil and its works in the earth, they will be robbed of any truths that they embrace.  The demons of domination will rob all of My blessings from them because they have joined with the devil and his deceptive power.  The devil still uses the same demons who worked through the Pharisees, the Sadducces, the scribes and the hypocrites of the days of Jesus in the earth. The devil uses the same demons to deceive My children, those being through  legalistic religious leaders and hypocritical political leaders who desire to rule over people, not free them from bondage. 
   Jesus continued teaching his doctrine of truth by telling his followers about My words of truth which enter gratefully into the minds of some of My children, being treasured and prized, but when the demonic thoughts of deceitfulness of riches, or burdensome cares and worries sent from hell, or sexual lusts, lusts for power, lusts for money or lusts for importance enter into their minds to rob My children of My truths, those demonic thoughts will choke out My precious words and leave My children without any of My truths which I sent to set them free from bondage to the works of the devil.  I said that the lives of those of My children are unfruitful in anything, no blessings, no health benefits, no peaceful benefits of being My children because the devil robbed from them all of My promises by placing his temptations in their minds, which they embraced and believed.  They are the words of demons who want power over people through domination, lust, greed, exclusion or faithless worry, robbing My children by placing into their thoughts lies which choke out My truths until My words are completely rejected.
   However, I have children in the earth whose hearts and minds are good ground.  They receive My words of truth, meditate on the truths, allow My Holy Spirit to teach them more and more truths about overcoming evil temptations in their thoughts,  They learn to protect the truths that they hear from My Holy Spirit, storing them in their hearts.  They recognize the temptations of the devil, refusing to let any demonic spiritual robbers from hell steal My truths from them.  I said that My children who seek Me with their whole hearts will inherit My kingdom in their lives, some 30 times over, some 60 times over and some 100 times over, depending upon the knowledge and wisdom they have sought from My Holy Spirit.   My children who have sought Me with their whole hearts are the ones who receive 100 percent of My kingdom into their lives, My abundant blessings for their spirits, souls and bodies because they have heard My words, honored them and followed them.
    My children who allow My Holy Spirit to reside in their spirits, allow Him to be their tutor, their counselor, their advocate, their lord, their provider, their protector, their strength and their counselor will be so firmly established in My kingdom that My heavenly kingdom will be replicated in their earthly lives just like it was with Adam before he allowed the devil to rob from him. (II Corinthians 3:16-18) My children who are established in My kingdom will recognize their enemy's temptations because they have been schooled to recognize him by their tutor, My Holy Spirit.  (John 16:17-19) Those of My children are established in My love and established in the truths of My power over the devil and his demons who have authority in the earth.  
    Seek Me with your whole heart and you will enjoy all of the benefits of My Kingdom of heaven while you are in the earth.  My kingdom will come into your life on earth as it is in My heaven, all of it by My answering the prayer of Jesus. (Matthew 6:10)  I said that when My will is done in the earth that My kingdom comes into the lives of My children.  I confirmed it by saying through Jesus Christ that when the devil is cast out of a person by the Holy Spirit, that My kingdom comes into the life of that person. (Luke 11:20)
    Refuse evil and do My works of goodness in the earth.  By your doing My will of spreading love and peace in the world, My kingdom of love will flood into your life. 
    Your Seed Sowing Father of Love and Peace

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