Tuesday, January 30, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   In My teachings to you about not yielding to the demonic temptation to judge someone, I told you that you must enter by a narrow gate that leads to having the abundant life on earth.  I emphasized that you must become fruit examiners, being careful not to consume the words of false prophets, religious leaders and politicians whose fruit are rotten, poisonous, divisive, bitter, putrid, hateful, exclusive and proud.  (Matthew 7:15-20)  I said that the words that proceed from their mouths will identify the condition of their hearts and you should not follow their words or you will be entering the wide gate that leads to destruction.  You can refuse to consume their words but still love them from afar, praying for them, blessing them and doing good to them if possible.  However, My warnings to you of refusing to consume their bitter words is for your own protection, to ensure that you will enter into My kingdom while you live in the earth.
    I went even further in My warning about your discernment relating to the fruit of people when I said that not everyone will enter into My kingdom while they live in the earth even though they cast out demons in My name, heal the sick in My name, prophesy in My name and do mighty works in My name.  (Matthew 7:2I-24)  I said there are those of My children to whom I say that I never knew them because they did not do My will as taught by Jesus Christ when He identified My true children as those who follow the words that Jesus taught, loving your enemies, refusing to strike when struck, refusing lustful thoughts, refusing to pray and give offerings to be seen by people, making peace with everyone who opposes you, refusing to judge others, refusing to swear to pledges and refusing to join emotionally with false religious and political teachers.  I said your righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes or you will never enter into My kingdom while you live in the earth and that you will, instead, inherit their woes.
    Now relating to your being good fruit examiners, I commanded you to examine the fruit of all teachers and prophets, discerning those who are in sheep's clothing but are ravenous wolves.  Their rotten, strife filled, discordant fruit will cause them to be cut down by the very devil whose verbal fruit they espouse.  I said not to gather fruit that comes from thorns and thistles, meaning not to believe and digest the negative words of false teachers and prophets who look like sheep but are wolves whose teachings will ravage your life if you bind yourself to them.  I said that every sound tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit.  I said that every tree that bears bad fruit will be cut down and thrown on the fire by the devil, which was his reason for causing the teacher or prophet to speak words of strife, discord, hatred, division, domination and pride.  The reason for the devil's temptation for people to speak vengeful words through their mouths is so that he can destroy their lives and eventually kill them.  If My children consume the words of the false teachers, they inherit the same fate as the false teachers, which is to be thrown in the fires of hell while in the earth.   I taught you this lesson in order to save you from destruction.  You must become excellent fruit examiners in order to avoid the fires of hell affecting your life on earth.
    As is My loving habit, along with every warning, I also give you good news.  I said in this teaching dissertation by Jesus that everyone who hears the words that He taught and DOES the things that He taught is a wise man who built his house on a rock.  When the rains fell, the floods came and winds blew and beat upon his house, it did not fall because it was on the rock.
   His warning said that the man who hears His words and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand and when all of the destructive weather came because of My children sowing the devil's thorns and thistles in the earth, the foolish man's house will fall and the fall will be great. 
   I told you that the way is narrow that leads to your having My kingdom life in the earth.  I also told you that the way is wide that leads to destruction.  The devil tempts you to do his will on earth which disqualifies you from inheriting My kingdom while you live in the earth.  I lead you on the narrow path into the narrow gate that leads to My kingdom coming to earth in your life on earth. (Matthew 6:10)  When you follow My instructions and admonitions as your Loving Father, you will avoid the devil's works in the earth, thus avoiding his destruction.
    My loving instruction to you through Jesus and through My Holy Spirit are meant for you to have the life that I originally planned for My children, which was a good life in the good earth that I created for you.  I said if you love Me, you will keep My instructions to you. (John 15:10; I John 5:2)  My words are for your protection and your prosperity in the earth that I created for you.  If you love Me as your Father, you will take My advice and do it.  (I John 2:4) Kingdom living is yours when you do.
    Your Father of Loving Advice      

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