Saturday, January 27, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   My new creation in you is already well versed in perfect love because of the Spirit of Love, My Holy Spirit, who dwells inside of your own renewed spirit with the mind of Christ.  That part of you has My nature and character of love by virtue of My Holy Spirit who has all of My love, goodness, mercy and kindness.  Present inside of your spirit are all of My motivations to love everyone as I love you. (John 13:34-35) That part of you will spend eternity with Me.  That new person is the real "you," the new creation which even has a new name in My family of love. 
   Because My Holy Spirit is your personal tutor, as commissioned by Me, He leads you into all truth and He desires to also change your flesh into My image in the earth, the image of perfect love.  His ministry is done with your permission as you allow Him to reprogram your human mind until it thinks the same thoughts of love that I think for all people. The end result is to return your flesh to being My image in the earth as it was for Adam before evil cursed his life on earth. (Genesis 1:26) My desire is that your flesh becomes My image so that it will have loving dominion in the earth and I will be able to say again, "It is very good." (Genesis 1:31)   
   Your flesh is the part of you that needs to become conformed to the mind of Christ by being transformed until it is perfect in loving unconditionally.  I want the outward part of you, which is your body and your human mind, to become Christ-like, just like the inward spirit within you where My Holy Spirit lives.  The problem is that your flesh has been tutored in the past by your generational heritage, your parents, your siblings, your associations, your clubs, your friends, your educators, your mates, the families of your mates, political doctrines and religious doctrines, all who have been taught by the devil. 
    The ministry of My Holy Spirit from the inside of you is the same as the ministry that Jesus Christ had in the earth, which is to defeat the works of the devil in the earth.  (I John 3:8-10)  It is the same because it was My Holy Spirit in Jesus who did the ministry of casting out demons, healing the sick, comforting the brokenhearted and declaring the coming of My kingdom into the world.  It is My Holy Spirit who continues the works of Jesus and ushers My kingdom into the lives of My children of righteousness.  My Holy Spirit begins His ministry in your life by transforming your flesh from doing the works of the devil in the earth into doing My works of love, mercy, goodness and kindness in the earth. 
    When Jesus commissioned you to seek My kingdom and My righteousness, he was telling you to allow My righteousness to become resident in your flesh as well as in your spirit through the tutoring of My Holy Spirit.  He said that when your flesh becomes My image, displaying My loving character in the world, that I will be glorified because people will see My true nature in you and they will want to become like Me.  (Matthew 5:5-16; Romans 12:2)  That mighty work is done by the renewing of your mind, changing your thoughts from thoughts that urge you with evil thoughts to do evil works in the world, changing those evil thoughts into flooding your mind with good thoughts to do My good works in the world. 
   The work of transforming your human mind into doing My will in the earth begins with the urge to make peace with anyone who opposes you or has anything against you.  In His first teaching session Jesus said if you are giving your gifts at the altar and remember that someone has something against you, that you should leave and make peace with the person who is accusing you or you will be taken to court and have to pay your last penny.  (Matthew 5:21-26)  He said in the same lecture that the peacemakers are called My children.  (Matthew 5:9) So the ministry of My Holy Spirit in transforming your flesh will train your flesh to make peace with everyone.  I am glorified when you do. 
    Another work of transforming your human mind into doing My will in the earth is to allow My Holy Spirit to train your flesh to do what Jesus taught you to do which is to never resist someone who does evil to you.  (Matthew 5:28-42)  He said to never return evil for evil done to you, never to resist a person who is doing evil to you, but instead you need to give more to anyone who takes anything from you, to never strike back when struck, to always give to someone who begs from you and not to refuse someone who wants to borrow from you.  In doing those acts of kindness, you are glorifying Me and preventing more evil from flowing into the earth.
    Another primary lesson taught by Jesus which is continued by My Holy Spirit in His transforming your human mind into doing My will in the earth is for you to love your enemies, to do good to them, to pray for them, and bless them. (Matthew 5:43-48)  People have been trained by the devil to hate their enemies, to stand against them, to talk against them and to go to war with them, but I told you through Jesus to do the opposite.  I said that unbelievers only love their friends so you have no reward from Me if you hate your enemies.  I said that I send the sun and rain onto your enemies because of My love and you must love your enemies also.  That is only possible for your flesh to love your enemies when you are empowered by My Holy Spirit to love unconditionally.  When you do, you are perfected in love which produces great rewards because you have spread My love in the earth.  Love covers a multitude of sins. (I Peter 4:8)
  When you seek to become My righteousness you are seeking My kingdom to come into your life in the earth.  My Holy Spirit is the power source who ushers My kingdom into your life.  My kingdom initially comes into your life when you are born of My Spirit.  When you allow My Spirit to transform your flesh into doing My will in the earth, then My kingdom comes into your life in a larger degree because of My righteous acts of love which are done by your flesh in the earth.  The seeds that you sow in unconditional love return 100 fold to you. It is My pleasure to give you My kingdom.  (Luke 12:32) That is why I teach you how to access it.
   Practice never returning evil for evil but always return good for evil done to you.  Practice loving your enemies by praying for them, blessing them and doing good to them.  Practicing loving others will eventually produce perfect love.  There are great rewards when love is perfected in you.
   Your Father of Transforming Truth

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