Sunday, January 14, 2018


My Dear Precious Child
   I am your Father and I want to keep you from being deceived by demonic thought patterns which invade your mind such as the temptation to judge other people for their speech, their attitudes or their actions.  Your fleshly standards have nothing to do with My standards. (Matthew 7:1-5) Your standards that were programmed into you from your parents' heritage or your political beliefs or your religious standards which cause you to judge other people are not My standards. 
  You think that some of the judgmental thoughts that come to your mind are just normal for people to entertain.  Judgmental thoughts are normal for children of the devil, a truth that was taught by My Son Jesus.  He told the Pharisees and the scribes, the political and religious leaders at the time, that they were of their father, the devil. (John 8;44)  Their judgmental attitudes identified from which kingdom they were acting and it was certainly not My kingdom of mercy and forgiveness.  Jesus identified His kingdom as the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the Pharisees and scribes as the kingdom of the devil.  Judgment comes from the devil but mercy comes from Me. 
   When My children become born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, they become members of My family, My kingdom of God which is merciful to sinners.  The old judgmental thoughts pass away and all thoughts become new, new thoughts of forgiveness and mercy.  Very often, old judgmental thoughts will creep back into your mind as initiated by the devil through either your own thoughts, your friends or from religious or political leaders.  Old curses begin to again creep back into your life along with the judgmental thoughts because Jesus said that you will be judged by the same standard by which you judge others.  It is not My will that you are judged by your own actions.  It is the devil who brings all judgment upon My precious children by tempting them to judge others so that he can judge them in return for judging according to his temptations. 
   The devil uses the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping to cause curses to come upon My children.  That truth is that the seeds that you sow will return like plants to your life.  It is forever established and your enemy, the devil, uses that truth of Mine to cause you to be judged by your own judgments.  From the beginning I instituted that truth so that My children would produce good plants from the seeds that they sow.  After Adam allowed the devil and his demons to invade the world, they used that spiritual truth to cause My children to be judged by their own thoughts by tempting them to judge others. 
   Jesus emphatically taught this truth about judging others, guaranteeing you that judgmental demonic curses will come into your own life from your judging other people for their attitudes and actions instead of forgiving them and being merciful to them  Being merciful to them and forgiving them is accomplished by My Holy Spirit giving you the revelation that people whom you judge are only acting from the negative mental programming of their parents, their religion or their politics, just as you are when you judge them.  So when you judge someone else, you are judging yourself for your own lack of knowledge of My truth, that forgiveness and mercy are My reactions when My children are caught up in the devil's thought patterns.  Forgiveness and mercy must be the reactions of My children when they see other people caught up in the devil's thought patterns.
   As taught by Jesus, the description of what happens to you when you judge other people should convince you to stop yielding to judgmental thoughts.  He said not to give what is holy to the dogs, speaking about not giving My children to demons to bring curses upon them by your judging them.  He also said for you not to throw pearls before swine, speaking about My truths.  He said that if you do judge people according to the devil's temptations in your mind, that you give My precious children to the devil to be judged and that they will be trampled underneath the feet of the demons, and that because you have forgotten my truth about mercy and forgiveness, that the demons will also turn and tear you apart.  He was telling you that judging others not only curses the people you judge, but it causes the devil to curse your life also. (Matthew 7:6)    
   There is no more vivid description in My Instruction Book about the dangers of bonding with the devil in judging others as in the teachings of Jesus about the dogs and the swine, those being the demons cursing the lives of the people whom you curse as well as them turning and judging you in return for your judging others.
   Jesus was saying that you fall short of the truth also when you judge others, which He described as the boulder that is in your eye when you judge someone for the splinter that is in his eye.  He said that you must refuse every thought of judgment that comes into your mind or your prayers will be difficult to answer. (Matthew 7:7-14)  He said that when you do to others as you want them to do to you, refusing to judge them, that whatever you ask, it will be done for you.  He said that when your mind is free from the demonic veil of judging others, as you want them to refuse to judge you, that if you seek me that you will find Me, if you knock on the door of My kingdom that the door will be opened to you.  If the  demonic veil of judging others becomes resident  in your mind, it will block the door to My kingdom from being opened to you.  (Matthew 7:7-14)
   Jesus said that the gate is narrow that leads to having the abundant life that I promised but the gate is wide that leads to destruction. You must learn to discern the spirits that are ministering to your mind.  The demon of judgment is constantly tempting you to judge others.  My Holy Spirit is constantly admonishing you to forgive others and be merciful to them. 
   You know the thoughts from Me by their fruits.  Goodness and kindness tell you to forgive and be merciful.  You know the thoughts from hell by their fruits. Pride and domination tell you to judge others, deeming the people to be inferior to you. (Matthew 7:15-20) 
   Make it your determination to discern every thought that comes into your mind, whether it is from heaven or from hell. 
   Cast into hell every thought of judgment of others. Those thoughts are sent from hell in order for the devil to bring hell into your life on earth.
   My instructions to you to forgive and be merciful brings the blessings of My kingdom into your life on earth.

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