My Dear Precious Child,
You are very fortunate in the fact that I am not only your Heavenly Father who created you, but I created the earth where you live. Because I created everything good in you and everything good in your world, I know the ins and outs, the operating instructions that will cause you to operate your life with 100% efficiency in your earthly home, which is the earth that I created for you. I know how to avoid the bad things that the devil brings into your world. I cast him out of My own heavenly home because of his rebellious and evil ways. Because I cast him out of My home. I can give to My children the power to cast him and his demons out of your earthly home with the supreme authoritative power of My Holy Spirit.
There was no choice for him when I cast him out of My heavenly home and he knows that he has no choice when he is cast out of your earthly home by the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit that resides in My Spirit baptized children. Those evil spirits know that they have to exit your earth and go to their place called hell which was prepared for them where there is gnashing of teeth. Those evil spirits are destined to suffer the same hell that they brought into the lives of My children in the earth.
Because I know every single intricate working of how your earth operates and how My children must avoid evil and embrace good, I lead and guide My children only onto the paths of righteousness. I never lead them into problems or injuries or troubles. That is what the devil does, leads My children into performing his evil ways in the earth so that he can corrupt and destroy their lives.
Even when My children leave My protection and choose to wander into the devil's evil territory, I am willing to restore My children to My family when they find themselves cursed in every area of their lives by the devil's temptations, just like Adam and Eve experienced the cursing of their lives and their earthly home when they joined with the devil and his evil ways. The devil curses the lives of My children who follow his ways and I bless the lives of My children who follow My ways. (Deuteronomy 28;1-2) This is what I meant when I said that My children must choose between blessings and curses. (Deuteronomy 30:19) My children are blessed in the earth that I gave to them if they follow My instructions which lead them away from evil. My children are cursed in the earth that I gave to them if they follow the temptations of the evil one.
You taught your children to always follow your advice that would lead them into living the abundant life that comes from avoiding evil. I am your good Father and your Creator. You must know that all of My instructions to you through My Son Jesus and My Holy Spirit were given to you to follow so that your life in the earth is blessed with abundant love and peace instead of destruction and death. Yet, My children teach their own children to do the opposite from what I taught them.
I taught you that if someone strikes you that you should not strike back but that you should resist the temptation to return the blow. I said that if you return the blow that you have joined with evil and promoted more evil in the earth. When you return a blow, you have left My family and joined with the family from hell. You teach your own children to sow evil in the earth by teaching them to return blows instead of teaching them that they are asking for more trouble when they return evil for evil.
Jesus said clearly that anyone who does what He told you to do and teaches others to do them is blessed in the earth. Every teaching of His was given to you so that you would avoid cooperating with evil but instead to refuse evil and do good.
The teaching by Jesus about not returning blows and not returning insults aimed at you is a primary, elementary teaching that I gave to you so that you will prosper in the land that I gave you, that being your earth. (Matthew 5:22 and 38-42) Yet, My children are taught by their parents and they teach their own children to return to other people what is done to them, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. That is one of the actions of the evil one. My righteousness is the opposite, as taught to you by Jesus. My children praise Me in their sanctuaries and then often leave and teach their children to return evil for evil done to them and they do the same thing. They do not do what I told them to do in order to avoid spreading the devil's evil in the earth.
The teaching of Jesus not to return a blow from another person is ignored by most of My children even though He also said that anyone who ignores His teachings and teaches others to refuse to do what He told you to do will not inherit My kingdom while they live in the earth. (Matthew 5:19-20) My children have taught their own children to disobey My words and then wonder why their lives are cursed. They need to know the elementary, simple teachings of Jesus Christ who came to earth to destroy the works of the devil. Instead of always being My emissaries of goodness in the earth, they have often become emissaries of the devil, sowing evil in the earth simply by returning evil for evil done to them and teaching their children to do the same. I said that some of My children praise Me with their mouths but their hearts are far from Me because they don't even take my simple, elementary advice as taught to them through their Brotherly Hero Jesus whom they call their Savior but they don't do the simple things that He told them to do. (Matthew 15:8) When you have the power of My Holy Spirit inside of you, you have the powerful ability to refuse to return evil done to you.
Some of My children pick and choose, pick and choose, pick and choose which of My instructions that they want to follow, which ones they choose to obey. When they do, their righteousness is the same as the spiritually blind religious leaders and corrupt politicians who are the Pharisees and the scribes of your day, They will never enter into My peace as long as their righteousness does not exceed the righteousness of their religious and political leaders. They can't enter because they are not identified as My children as long as they spread evil in their earth. I long that they enter into My kingdom, but their thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken mirror the evil one instead of mirroring Me.
If Jesus is your Lord, which you so vehemently profess, then you will follow His teachings, starting with the first ones which were not to return evil for evil. When you avoid evil, evil avoids you because the devil know that you are dedicated to Me and My goodness instead of being dedicated to sowing evil in the earth.
My words are spirit and they are life. (John 6;63) Observe them and teach others the benefits of observing them. When you do, you will have heaven on earth because My kingdom will come into your life while you live in the earth. (Matthew 6:10)
Your Father of Wise Choices
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