My Precious Child,
Good, wise parental advice is valuable to children if the children take it. Wise advice from people who speak good words, have good attitudes and take good actions such as associates, friends, business leaders, religious leaders and political leaders, will benefit My children if they take it. However, the devil tempts people to reject the good advice of their good parents or associates and instead take the bad advice of their rebellious peers or the advice of people with words, attitudes and actions which are detrimental and rebellious, always seeking to rob, kill or destroy from other people. I told My children many times from whose advice they will benefit which leads to a good, peaceful and merciful journey in the earth. I told them that they must examine the words, attitudes and actions of people, whether they are from good or from evil intentions. I told My children to reject the bad advice but to retain and learn from the good advice.
I told My children through David, the songwriter, that the person will be blessed by Me who does not take the counsel or advice of the wicked or join in the way of sinners or listen to people who holds contempt for other people. I said that the person who delights in My own good words and meditates on them day and night is like a tree planted by streams of water whose roots soak up nourishment and bring forth good fruit and whose leaves do not wither from lack of water. I said that person will prosper in all that he or she does. (Psalm 1:1-3) Notice I said that prosperity will be in every area of life, spirit, mind and body, all that the person does.
I said there is no prosperity for the people who listen to wicked counsel or advice, that if they do they will become like the chaff which winds blow away, that they will not stand and endure when the devil's judgments come upon the earth, and they will not belong to the family of the righteous which inherits My benefits. I said that I recognize the righteous people but the way of the people who listen to wicked advice will perish because they take the advice of evil words, which is the work of the devil. (Psalm 1:4-6)
When I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, into the earth in a human body, I commissioned Him to explain more fully the origin of wickedness, that being the devil, and to identify to My children the curses that come from listening to the temptations or advice that comes from the devil through people who have joined with his wickedness, those being sometimes friends, associates, religious leaders and political leaders who speak bitter, judgmental and divisive words. (John 8:42-44)
I taught through Jesus the benefits that come from My children listening to and taking the advice that comes from Me through Him and My Holy Spirit, which empowers them to incorporate the characteristics of My family of God into their lives which makes them live peacefully in gracious family and business associations, inheriting the benefits of financial blessings, having healthy physical bodies, and being at peace with everyone. Those benefits brings heaven to earth in their lives. (Galatians 5:22-23)
My advice brings blessings into the lives of My children, but listening to the advice of divisive, contemptuous, jealous, divisive people brings curses into your life. That is truth, plain and simple. I said that those of My children who bind themselves to the wickedness of the devil will never enter into My kingdom while they live in the earth. (Galatians 5:19-21; James 3:13-16)) You cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24) You cannot outwardly serve Me by praising Me with your mouth but then curse any of My children also, which negates your devotion to loving everyone as I love you. (John 13:34-35; James 3:9-12 and 17-18) My motivations in My devoted children are to be peacemakers. (Matthew 5:9)
Don't let national patriotism become a substitute for being led by My Holy Spirit. National patriotism is of the flesh but true spirituality comes from being led by My Holy Spirit. National patriotism becomes polluted by the curses of blind politicians and it is through them that My family on earth becomes cursed, led astray by the Pharisees, Sadduccees and scribes of your day from the benefits that come from your citizenship in My kingdom of heaven which produces peace on earth, good will to all people. (Luke 2:14)
Check the attitudes, words spoken and actions of people before you bind yourself to them in theory, doctrine, teachings or beliefs. Jesus said that neither can a bad tree bring forth good fruit nor can a good tree bring forth evil fruit. (Matthew 7:18) Listening to corrupt, bitter, poisonous, divisive words cannot further My kingdom of love in your life, even if they come from people who identify themselves as sheep. Their words identify them as ravenous wolves.
Beneficial, gracious words from Me bring peace to every situation and every person. Listen and heed those words from Me and you will walk the earth in peace and good will toward everyone, blessed in every area of your life.
Become My child who drinks constantly from My Holy Spirit, You will bear good fruit of love and peace.and your benefits fom Me will never wither and die.
Your Father of Wise and Beneficial Words
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