Thursday, February 8, 2018

My Dear Precious One,
   In a family with a good, loving father, the father is a peacemaker.  He will settle differences between the children, he will intervene kindly in disciplinary problems between the mother and a child and he will always keep peace with his wife and all of their children.  That is what good fathers do.  My blessings come into the families who have good fathers.  (Matthew 5:19) Peace and love are the spiritual atmosphere which holds them together because the family members thrive in such wonderful surroundings.  So it goes on from generation to generation with families in your earth who sow peace and love in your world.
   Bad, abusive fathers foster differences between his children, promote disciplinary problems between his wife and their children, and he is always in conflict with his wife and their children.  Family problems are constant in the families which have bad fathers because where there is conflict there is every evil spirit.(James 3:16; Exodus 34:7)  A bad father is only doing what his bad father did which was raised his own family in an atmosphere of constant conflict.  Conflict was the evil atmosphere which held them together because that is all that they knew.  And so it goes on from generation to generation with families in your earth who sow strife instead of peace in their families.
   Rejoice because I can make good fathers out of bad fathers when they come to Me for My help, desiring a heart of peace.  I can put within them the Spirit of My Good Fathering, replacing the heart of strife and conflict with a heart of love and peace.  In the twinkling of an eye, the bad father will be changed into a father of love when My Spirit comes to live within him.  His family legacy becomes a family of goodness and kindness instead of a family of conflict and strife.  Future generations will benefit by living in peace instead of discord.  In that family I have infused peace where discord formerly ruled.  There is rejoicing in heaven and in the earth when a bad father becomes a father of peace.
    Transformation is only possible because of My characteristic of being a good Father, a Father who does not punish My children but who guides and leads My children away from evil, teaching them to refuse evil temptations, encouraging My children to be kind and loving to others, demonstrating how to speak edifying words, words that bring peace to the listener, a Father who teaches My children how to discern good and evil, teaching them to do good and refuse to do evil.
   The mark of a good father is how the father chastises his children.  My method is by using loving, wise words, words which identify the evil but point My children onto the paths of righteousness which leads to a life of abundance of benefits. (James 3:17)  Physical punishment does not result in guidance.  It only results in either guilt or rebellion with no forward change in behavior.  I said to My children through Jesus that you are pruned by My words.  In other words, My words to My children lead them away from evil and onto good paths. (John 16:13)  It is the words of My Holy Spirit speaking inside of you which leads you in the paths of righteousness. 
    Some of My children adopt the ways of the civil laws of the Jews in which physical punishment is required by their civil laws.  The fathers do not follow My guidance which tells fathers not to provoke their children to anger, which physical punishment does.  (Colossians 3:27)  If a father is committed to his children he will be with his children when they are tempted to do evil and he will guide them away from the evil temptation and encourage them to do good.  There is no need for punishment when the father has been available to guide his children onto the right paths which produce blessings in their lives. 
    In order to try to keep peace within My family, I have been constantly available to My children to lead and guide them away from doing the will of the devil of creating conflict in the family or in the world because I know that conflict allows all of the demons from hell to gather where conflict and strife are sown between people.  In My teachings to My children which encourage efforts to keep peace with everyone, My Son Jesus taught you not to return evil for evil done to you, but instead for you to return good for evil done to you, all in an effort to further peace in your world.  He also taught you that if a person strikes you that you should not strike back, because striking someone back furthers conflict in the situation.  He said but that you should merely turn the other cheek toward the person, all in an effort to further peace in your world.  He taught you that if someone forces you to go one mile with him that you should also go two miles, all in an effort to further peace in your world.  He taught you that if someone takes something from you, that you should give the person more than he or she took, all in an effort to further peace in your world,  He taught you that you should not hate your enemies but instead that you should love them, to pray for them, to bless them and to do good to them, all in an effort to further peace in your world so that you will be known as My children by your keeping peace in every situation.
   I cannot do any of My marvelous works where there is conflict and strife because conflict and strife are indicative of the presence of the devil.  Where the devil is at work, I am not able to work because My children have chosen him as their father. (John 8:44)
   Where there is peace, I am able to do marvelous works, many miracles, healings and bringing blessings into all situations because where there is peace I am present with My glorious army of angels who are dispatched to rain My blessings upon My children who keep peace with everyone. 
   My children who sow conflict cannot be identified as My children of peace and they cannot be blessed. 
   My children who are peacemakers sow peace in your world and inherit My blessing while they live in the world.
   Your Father of Divine Peace 

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