Wednesday, March 20, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    The born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit people in the church in Rome were not immune to Paul's corrections because they had also allowed false prophets, or false apostles as he called them, to invade the church with all of their heresies and lies.  The Jewish converts willingly returned to putting their trust in ineffective  rules and regulations of the Law.  The pagan converts in Rome had begun incorporating human knowledge into their born of the Spirit conversions and limited human knowledge watered down the real Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The danger of that watered-down gospel was that the miracles performed by the Holy Spirit were explained away with human logic, which denied My supernatural power.  
   In the beginning of Paul's letter to the Romans he chastised both the pagan converts and the Jewish converts, telling them that My anger was reserved for  the devil for his mission to lead My children astray, and that My anger would be inherited by the Christian converts if they returned to either worshiping idols or binding themselves again to the religious Law of the Jews.  My anger would not be directly at My children, but it would fall upon the people who were bound to the devil and his works in the earth.  If the devil became their lord by their doing the will of the devil, then My judgment upon the converts would be a fulfillment of the scripture that says to whatever you are bound on earth you are also bound in the heavens. (Matthew16:19) If a person is bound to the devil by devotion to his evil works, then that person inherits My judgment that I placed on the devil.  If a person is bound to Me by devotion to My good works, then that person is bound to My goodness, My kindness, My love and My blessings in My heaven.
     His spiritual logic was convincing because of Paul's knowledge from My Holy Spirit of the spiritual dimension around them which gave him insight and understanding.  After using logic relating to the lack of spiritual insight among the Jews, Paul told the converts that, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, all of their sins were forgiven; but then some people in their midst were teaching that they might as well go ahead and sin, since they were already forgiven by Me.  They decided that since Jesus was soon coming back to earth, they might as well enjoy the fleshly enjoyment of sin. (Romans 3:7-8)  The converts had forgotten that binding themselves to the works of the devil would bring curses into their lives.  They forgot that the wages of sin is death and just because they were forgiven by Me did not mean that there were not destructive consequences to their yielding to the temptations of the devil and thus sinning. (Romans 6:23) 
    Curses of destruction and death are the result of doing the will of the devil.  The consequences often do not show up immediately or you and My other children would be able to readily connect your sins or transgressions with a destructive event in their lives.  The devil arranges the consequences to occur much later so as not to be connected to your yielding to the lusts of the flesh, the deceitfulness of riches, your fretting and worrying, your following false prophets, your binding yourself to the teachings of the hypocritical Pharisees or your other particular transgressions or sins of cooperating with evil.
    Paul reminded the Romans that the Mosaic laws at the time they were given by me were not given to become the power to save all of My children from the consequences of their sins.  The Law had no power to do that.  They were given by Me to identify the devil's temptations so that My children would refuse to participate with the devil in his sins.  How could they resist him if they didn't recognize him by his works?  (Romans 3:19-20)  My judgment on the devil was made obvious through the Law when I identified his works as being evil.  My prophesies relating to salvation are obvious outside of the Mosaic Law since it is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ that creates the faith that is the power over the works of the devil in the lives of My children.  Faith in Him allows you to be reconciled to Me so that you will have My power of the Holy Spirit over the works of the devil for both the Jews and the pagans.  I justify and make My children powerful over evil works by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit to everyone who believes in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:27-31)
   So now under the covenant of the Spirit, it is My words of power that justify people as being My children with authority over evil, which has nothing to do with religious Law.  I am the God of the Jew and the Greek, the religious people and the pagans, when they individually are reconciled to Me and bind themselves to Me through the Holy Spirit creating a new creature in them.  When My children hear My voice, all of My words have value by continuing to identify sins for what they are, the works of the devil which need to be identified as the works of evil to My children and the demons need to be exorcised and sent to hell by the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit.  The entire ministry of Christ Jesus and My Holy Spirit were prophesied in the Law but were hidden from people because of the veil of unbelief that is over their minds until it is removed by Christ Jesus when My children are born of My Holy Spirit.  When the veil is removed, then My children can see the value in the religious Law was neither to condemn My children, as the Pharisees used it, nor was it to tempt My children to do evil works, as used by the devil.  The Law, as given by Me, was to identify the works of the devil and to prophesy My workable plan for salvation for My children and their world by the sacrifice of Christ for the forgiveness of their sins so that they would receive the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit to cast the demons out of their lives and their world, casting them into hell.  (Romans 3:27-31; Matthew 13:36-43)
    My children need to act like My children, My own sons and daughters, and you need to step up to your responsibilities to cast out of the earth and into hell the demonic spirits who cause all offenses in the earth.  I said that when you do cast out all of the earth all causes of offense you will shine like the sun in My kingdom of heaven in the earth.
    Your Father of Mercy, Wisdom and Spiritual Knowledge

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