My Dear Precious Child,
My Holy Spirit, the private tutor of all of My children, was very gentle with His corrections of most of My children in the first churches after My Holy Spirit came to earth to live inside of My children and when My kingdom of heaven came to earth to surround them on the day of Pentecost and on many other occasions later. However, to the Galatians and to the Corinthians I was much more stern and exacting in My corrections. There was a reason for the sternness, because My children were allowing people with evil spirits to pollute My body of Christ. The false prophets of some converted Jews were reintroducing the political and religious laws into My churches of faith and some former Gentiles were returning to the practice of worshiping idols and allowing demonic lusts of the flesh to consume them again. Once the demons are allowed to re-enter into My body, they will leaven or multiply until they pollute the whole church.
In My letter to the Corinthians, I first complimented them for their teachers and preachers, their spreading the gospel and their using the gifts of the Holy Spirit to minister to the body of Christ. However, My chastening of them was genuine relating to there being a vicious church fight which caused division. Some were claiming to be disciples of Peter, some claimed to be disciples of Paul, some claimed to be disciples of Apollos, some claimed to be disciples of Christ. My letter to them via Paul asked them if Christ was parceled out in individual portions instead of His being one body? He asked if any of them had been baptized in the name of Paul instead of in the name of Jesus Christ? (I Corinthians 1;10-16)
My emphasis to them in My letters was on My wisdom and knowledge which had been given to them by My Holy Spirit, contrasting My personal insights and understanding with the weak and ineffective human knowledge of the Jews and Greeks to which they had originally been devoted. I tried to convince them that they had been made members of Christ Jesus and that by My doing so in their lives that they had become My wisdom, My virtue, My holiness and My freedom, not by human wisdom but by the power of My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 2:1-5)
Instead of being mature in their spirituality, they were still babies, still drinking milk instead of eating the solid food of revelation knowledge. They were unschooled and unspiritual in their understanding of spiritual truths so their foundations were unstable. They had been playing church instead of their individually seeking My kingdom and My righteousness as taught by My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 2:6-9; I Corinthians 3:1-4)
The fact that they were split in their devotion to Me, claiming to be followers of the various apostles, that revealed the jealousy that had crept into My body of Christ. I asked them what could be more unspiritual than their claiming to either be of Paul or Peter or Apollos?
The same is true in My body of Christ in your day. There are many factions which claim to be of one denomination or another and each claims to have all of My truth, all which produce unspiritual children because they are refusing to advance into the tutoring of My Holy Spirit as was taught by Jesus Christ. (John 16:7-15) My Holy Spirit is your tutor, your advocate, your strength, your counselor and the only One who reveals truth to My children.
When you refuse the tutoring of My Holy Spirit you declare the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to be of no effect in your life because you have left the Truth and bought into the lies of false prophets which cost you the joys and benefits of My kingdom of heaven becoming reality in your life.
My Spirit is always speaking to My children. It is their dull ears which are unable to hear because of division, strife, jealousy and discord which come from their yielding to the temptations of the evil prince of your world which are introduced into My body of Christ by false prophets, of which you were warned by My Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came into your world to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) When He came to sit down in My heaven with Me, He gave His responsibility in the earth to My Holy Spirit, His ministry of destroying the works of the devil in your world. My Holy Spirit gives to My children of promise the power to execute My authority in the earth over the evil one, sending his demons into hell. (Matthew 13:36-43) Instead of assuming their responsibility in My kingdom of heaven, many of My children yield to the teachings of the devil's false prophets which makes the sacrifice of Jesus Christ null and void in their lives. Thus, they return to the pigpen of their former lives.
My blessings and rewards still await those of My children who take the words of Jesus Christ, treasure them and follow them as He taught you to do by your yielding yourself to My Holy Spirit for His private tutoring which opens your human mind to My insights and understanding which further the blessings of My kingdom of God in your life. I await your fellowshipping with Me so that you will enjoy the benefits of being One with Me. (I John 1:3-7)
Your Father of Great Rewards
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