My Dear Precious Child,
The apostle Paul's final correction in his first letter for My born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit children in Corinth might surprise you. But, first, before issuing his final complaint against them in his first letter Paul reiterated a truth from scriptures, that Christ died for their sins, in accordance with scriptures; that He was buried, in accordance with scriptures; that He was raised to life on the third day, in accordance with scriptures; that He appeared to Peter and to the twelve disciples. Then He appeared to over five hundred followers of Jesus at the same time. Then He appeared to James, then to all of the apostles, and last of all He appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, Paul reminded the Corinthians of those facts in order to underscore His complaint and correction of them, solidifying the truth of his complaints. (I Corinthians 15:3-8)
In his letter he then chided them for allowing someone to rob them of the truth of the resurrection of the dead. False prophets had entered and had poisoned the body of Christ by that means also, as well as sexual immorality, incest, doctrinal arguments, emotionally frenzied distribution of the gifts of My Holy Spirit and other transgressions. Paul wrote convincing words to them, telling them if there is no resurrection from the dead how could Christ have been raised, as they had heard eye witnesses claim? Paul even wrote that if there is no resurrection from the dead, then all of the eye witnesses had perjured themselves before Me because they swore to the evidence that I had raised Christ to life. Not only that, he wrote that if Christ had not been raised to life, then they were still in their sins and all earthly hope in them only had a few benefits for their lives on earth. If that is so, Paul wrote, then they were the most unfortunate of people to only have a life limited to the earth. (I Corinthians 15:12-19)
His letter made clear to them that sin came into the world through the first man, Adam, but salvation came into the world through the second man Christ Jesus. (verse 21) To even make it more clear, he wrote that all people die in Adam and all people are brought to life in Christ Jesus. (verses 22-24) He strongly chastised them by writing that bad friends ruin the noblest of people and that the Corinthians need to come to their senses, to begin to behave properly and to leave the sin of unbelief alone, to flee from it, to reject it and to reject the false prophets who were bringing the lie into their church. He wrote that some of them seemed not to know Me at all. He wrote that they should be ashamed of themselves for believing the teachings of those false prophets who claim there is no resurrection from the dead. (I Corinthians 15:33-34)
In explaining more fully the resurrection of the spirits of My children, not the flesh, Paul wrote to the Corinthians that the body of flesh is and will die, but the spirit of every person is imperishable and will live eternally with me. Those are the spirits of My children that have been raised to eternal life through the resurrection of Christ. (verses 40-53)
To finish his chastisement of the body of Christ in Corinth, Paul said that the sting of death is sin and that sin gets its power from religious laws. He reminded them of those truths because some of the Corinthians were also returning to observing the Mosaic religious laws which bring death to them spiritually, mentally and physically.
He thanked Me for giving My children victory over death by the resurrection from death to life through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. When a person is in Christ, that person's eternal life begins in the kingdom of heaven while he is in the earth through his or her being born of My Holy Spirit.
I told the Corinthians through Paul to be alert to all the dangers that come into their lives from allowing false prophets in their church and to stay firm in faith in Christ Jesus, always letting everything be done in love.
Your Father of Love
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