Monday, April 22, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    When an innocent person willingly serves the imprisonment, the beatings or the death for a lawbreaker for his or her breaking the rules, regulations or laws of a country, that is called the innocent person making himself or herself a sacrificial lamb for the sins of  the other person.  Because of the innocence of the person who is the sacrificial lamb, the punishment is considered paid in full and the actual lawbreaker goes away forgiven and free, hopefully not to continue to be a lawbreaker.  Under Mosaic law that is why the innocent blood of sheep, goats or calves was a year by year sacrifice for the sins of the owners of the animals.  Under the Law there was no other way for the forgiveness of sins other than by sacrificing their own property which affected their financial security.  The writer of the letter to the Hebrew churches wrote at length about the Mosaic Law being imperfect because the Jews had to offer sacrifices once a year for their sins of the previous year.  There was no permanent forgiveness because the Law made a way for yearly sacrifices so that the lawbreaker could go free and be forgiven for only another year.
     In My compassion, mercy and love for men and women to whom My Holy Spirit breathed life into at creation, I instituted a perfect payment for sins that did not have to be repeated year after year.  I sent My Son into the world to become a permanent living sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.  Also as an added part of My inheritance to them, after He became the payment for the sins of  the whole world, I also instructed My Son Jesus Christ to send the Christ part of Him, who is My Holy Spirit, to live inside of My offspring who were created in My image at the beginning of the world but who had inherited curses in their lives by making the devil and his demons their lords.  Those demonic spirits were allowed to invade the earth through the first man and woman, cursing all of mankind and the entire earth for generation after generation.
    Because of My sacrifice for My children and the whole world, and because of His place of honor in the heavens, the sacrifice of Christ Jesus was known in the heavens as My ultimate sacrifice.  He only had to die once for the sins of the whole world because of His importance as Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords.  It was only necessary for Him to die once as payment for all the sins of the whole world.  Jesus Christ went to hell as payment for sins, he redeemed authority to the earth from the devil and then He was catapulted out of hell and back into the earth by the power of My Holy Spirit.  He was know from that day on as the Christ, the anointed and empowered one.  Then He came back to live in My heaven with Me and sit down with Me at My right hand, having fulfilled His ministry in the earth.
     The resurrected Christ did not need the power of My Holy Spirit in My heaven because I do not allow evil there, so He sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in My children to give them the same power over the devil and his demons' works of evil that Christ Jesus had destroyed when He walked in the earth and in hell.  Also My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of My children of promise, gives back to My children the authority of having dominion in the earth over everything because Christ lives in them. (Matthew 28:16-20) My children of promise, who are empowered by My Holy Spirit, have My same authority as Christ Jesus had, but now they have the authority to cast the demons out of the earth and into hell, as was prophesied by Jesus Christ when He taught about My kingdom of heaven coming to live inside of My children.  (Matthew 13:36-42)  My judgment is on the devil and his demons.   All of his offending demons are subject to My judgment of being cast out of the earth and sent to hell where there is gnashing of teeth and the fires of hell. 
    I said that when My children take their place again as My authority in the earth and send the demons to hell who offend them and tempt them, then My children will shine like the sun in the earth and draw all people to Me.  I seek vengeance against all of the demons who take orders from the devil.  I threw them out of My heaven.  They invaded the earth and it is the duty of My children of promise in the earth to use the power of My Holy Spirit to cast the demons out of the earth and into hell.  That is one the greater things that Christ Jesus said My children would do after He came to sit down with Me. (John 14:12)  I said that My angels usher those demons into hell that My children cast out of the earth.  That is My vengeance against the devil. (Hebrews 10:26-31)
    The writer of the letter to the Hebrews identified the suffering in My name that Christ Jesus predicted would happen to My children after they were born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  The sufferings come from the persecutions from the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, high priests, priests and elders of the synagogues, the same ones who persecuted, insulted, harassed and abused Christ Jesus, in other words the religious people.  The devil is still trying to silence My voice in the earth spoken now through My children of promise.  The political leaders and religious leaders did it to Christ Jesus and they do it to His brothers and sisters who are My children of promise, because they are jealous of your power and your relationship with Me. (Hebrews 10:32-38) When Christ Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit coming to live inside of you and My other children of promise, I said in the world you would have tribulations, but to rejoice because I have overcome the world and you can, also, with the power of My Holy Spirit. (John 16:33) 
   Just like Paul wrote words of correction to the churches, the writer of the letter to the Hebrew churches also stressed that the people there were not the kind of people who would draw back from the true Good News and become lost.  He said that they are the kind of people who are faithful until their souls are saved.  That is why he was adamant about writing the truths about the difference between the covenant of Mosaic Law and My new and final covenant of the Holy Spirit in which My children are cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus and then empowered by My Holy Spirit to again operate with My authority in the earth, having dominion over the earth by ridding it of the offending spirits from hell. 
    The only way the devil thwarted My plan was by enticing some of My children of promise to return to Jewish Law as a joint way to salvation along with faith in Christ Jesus.  When they did, they returned to a law of sin and death. 
   Christ Jesus did it all.  There is no reason to return to a dead, ineffective set of rules and regulations which bring death to the lawbreakers.
    My plan for salvation through Christ Jesus is complete.  There is no reason to return to an imperfect plan which brings destruction and death.   Be cautious of false prophets who entice you with half truths and lies in order to heap added rules and regulations onto you.  If you believe their lies you will end up sacrificing your time, your energy, your family life, your peace, your joy, your assurance of My love for you and your spiritual inheritance.  When you return to religious Law as a means of salvation, even adding them to salvation in Jesus Christ, just like some of the Jews returned to sacrificing sheep, goats and calves, all in order for your sins to be forgiven over and over again, thus you make the sacrifice of Christ Jesus of no effect in your life.  You have abandoned the new covenant of My Holy Spirit and adopted a dead means to salvation which never saved anyone. 
    My plan was that Jesus Christ would die for your sins and the sins of the world.   He did.  Hold onto your confidence in Him and you will refuse temptations to return to ineffective rules and regulations.  You are free. Stand fast in that liberty. (Galatians 5:1)
   Your Protective and Loving Father

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