My Dear Precious Child,
Human faith supplies nothing for My children because of the devil's intervening negative thoughts which erase positive thoughts from your mind. That is why I, as a loving Father, supply My gift of supernatural, spiritual faith to My children by giving to you mental evidence and substance which are positive thoughts which form images in your mind of an upcoming answer to your prayers. Until you have My images of answers to prayers in your thoughts, your thoughts were previously only something for which you had hoped. (Hebrews 11:1) With My gifts of supernatural, spiritual faith you have substantial evidence in your mind of My oath to you of events which are eventually to come but which are not yet been seen with your natural eyes.
One way that I supply My gift of supernatural faith for you is by the mental images that come into your mind when I speak My personal words into your thoughts which form mental images in your mind upon which you can completely rely and thus believe. Another way that I give you My gift of supernatural, spiritual faith is by the dreams and visions that come from My Holy Spirit which come when you have prayed and interceded in the Holy Spirit. (Joel 3:1-5; Acts 2:16-18) Through dreams and visions I place images into your thoughts that are evidence and substance of things you don't yet see with human eyes, yet those dreams and visions produce supernatural faith in you for answered prayers. Most often the outward circumstances appear to be the opposite of that for which you are hoping and praying. So the mental evidence and substance from dreams and visions are images of what I have planned for you in answer to your prayers, or often they are evidence of future events that need your intercessory prayers in order to produce good events rather than evil events which the devil has planned for you.
Real faith is nothing that My children conjure up in their own minds as what they expect Me to do for them or want Me to do for them. That is only hope. Real faith is produced by either My personal words to you forming mental images in your mind or by dreams and visions which also form mental images in your mind of what My will is in a particular matter. When those mental images come from Me, then they form faith images in your mind, becoming mental evidence and substance of things which are to come. Then there is supernatural, spiritual faith produced in you and you are steadfast, immovable, firm and solid in your faith for something to come into your life as a blessing from Me. In other words, I show you the answers to your prayers in the thoughts of your mind before they become evident to your human eyes. (Hebrews 11:1)
It is by My gift of faith that you believe that I created the world with My words and it is by that same gift of faith that Able offered his acceptable sacrifice and it is by the same gift of faith that Enoch escaped earthly death and was transported into My heaven because his faith came as a gift from Me of supernatural faith. Able and Enoch believed Me and so it was determined to be spiritual belief or spiritual faith. Just like man made worship and religious Law was never pleasing to Me because they are of the flesh instead of Me and My Holy Spirit, human faith never pleases Me because it is tainted, unstable and subject to negative thoughts. But the faith that is pleasing to Me is the gift of faith which comes from My Holy Spirit who forms substantial evidence in your mind of things to come. (John 16:13)
In the same letter to the Hebrew Christians I said that without faith it is impossible to please Me, meaning that My gift of faith given to you unites you to Me in complete unity, and so it is easy for Me to transport the answers to your prayer from My spiritual dimension of heaven into your own life on earth. It is because of the faith created in you by My gift of faith that the answers to your prayers are transported from heaven to earth. In other words, My gift of faith in you produces a highway from heaven to earth upon which My answers to your prayers travel and become reality in your life. It is that spiritual faith that pleases Me because it enables Me to bless My children with solutions to their problems, blessing them with healing and blessing them with their complete inheritance that was given to them because of the sacrifice of Christ Jesus for you.
I said that it pleases Me tremendously when My children accept My gifts of faith and then expect Me to fulfill My oath to them that came through either hearing My words or through visions and dreams. It is in that scripture that I said that anyone who comes to Me must believe not only that I exist, but they must believe that I reward those people who seek Me and My righteousness. Under the old covenant with a nation, the people believed that I existed but they had no faith that I reward My children. So under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, faith not only believes that I exist, but that I am a Loving Father who rewards My children with blessing from My heaven while they live in the earth. (Hebrews 11:6)
The image of Me as being a Loving Father instead of as a stern taskmaster, as espoused by the demon of religion, determines the amount of answered prayers that My children experience in their lives. My children must know that I not only exist but that I reward My children as their Loving Father. When you know Me as the Loving Father of all mankind and Christ Jesus as the savior of all mankind, then there is no limit to the amount of My blessing that I can pour into your life on earth when you allow My Umbilical Cord of the Holy Spirit to give you His gift of faith through either My personal words to you or through dreams and visions which give you a view into My heaven of My will in difficult matters.
Not only do I desire to pour My blessing into your life on earth, but I supply the gifts of faith in you that allows there to be a straight path and an open door into your life through which My blessings flow. (I Corinthians 2:9)
I am your Good Father. My children must stop thinking of Me as an earthly father who is good and bad to his children.
I am Love. Never forget that Truth as revealed by My Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)
Your Father of Love and Rewards
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