My Dear Precious Child,
The writer of the letter to the Hebrew churches wrote about the promises and the oaths that I make to My children. He said that when I spoke to Abraham that I had sworn by Myself because there is nothing greater by which to swear. I swore to Abraham that I would shower him with My blessings and give him many descendants. Because Abraham had heard My voice and trusted Me, he persevered in faith and eventually he saw the promise fulfilled. An oath puts an end to all disputes because it confirms a promise or an agreement. In the same way, I wanted to make the heirs of My promise know that My word was not open to dispute so I put My stamp of guarantee on My promise by swearing to Abraham. So by those two things, My promise and My oath, then it was impossible for anyone to accuse Me of lying. So now that you are safely in My family and secure as My child, you should have a strong grip on the outcome of the hope that comes from a promise. You have an anchor for your soul because My oath is firm when you have heard My voice relating to a promise. With My oath you reach right through the veil where Jesus entered before you and on your behalf, to become a high priest of the order of Melchizadek, and forever. (Hebrews 6:13-20)
My words are higher in authority than anything else in the world and the heavens, so when you either hear My voice or when the Holy Spirit gives you a dream or a vision about something that's going to happen in the future or when you receive a revelation of a spiritual truth, then you have received My oath. That event will happen that I swore about, or My oath about a revelation of spiritual truth takes that hope, energizes it and it becomes faith, the a surety of what is truth in My mind. A promise that has been confirmed for you by Me as to a future event actually happening is My oath to you. I make the promise to My children and then My Holy Spirit confirms it by some concrete event, either a dream, a vision or a word of prophetic revelation. The Holy Spirit's product confirms My oath to My children. (Acts 2:17-19)
The author of the letter to the Hebrews wanted My children to be educated on the importance of Melchizadek, referred to as the king of Salem, who blessed Abraham after Abraham paid tithes to him. Because Melchizadek is viewed as the Lord who visited the earth in that event of blessing Abraham, His blessing is considered My oath to Abraham. (Hebrews 7:1-14) Remember that the word Melchizadek means one who had no beginning and will have no end.
That is more clearly understood when you think about Jesus Christ, who is a priest not by virtue of a law about physical descent like Levi and Aaron, but He is the High Priest by the power of an indestructible life when He was raised from the dead. The prophesy was made that Jesus Christ would be a prophet after the order of Melchizadek. Christ had no beginning and He will never have an end.
When Jesus Christ came to earth, the first covenant was abolished because it was neither effective nor useful because the Law could not make anyone perfect since it is impossible to keep all of the Law. Something greater than the Law has come, something better and more stable, the covenant of My Holy Spirit coming to live inside of people, making them My children instead of mere servants. (Hebrews 15-19) This new covenant was instigated by the taking of an oath. Under the old covenant, the priests were replaced regularly because the men would die. However, the Spiritual high priest of My new covenant is Christ Jesus, who will forever be the high priest because he lives forever. It follows, then, that His power to save is absolutely certain since Christ remains forever and can never lose his place of authority in the earth and will never lose His priesthood. He lives forever to intercede for all who come to Me through Christ Jesus and His sacrifice.
To suit humanity, the ideal high priest would have to be innocent, holy and uncontaminated, not influenced by sinners, raised up above the heavens; a high priest who would not need to offer sacrifices every day, as the other high priests had to do for their own sins and then for those of the people; because Christ Jesus did it once and for all by offering Himself as a living sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. The Law appoints men as high priests who are of the flesh and are subject to human weaknesses. But the promise and the oath, which came after the Law, appointed Christ Jesus as high priest because He is My Son who is made perfect forever. (Hebrews 7:26-28)
The writer of the letter said that you have a high priest who is exactly the perfect One, Christ Jesus. He finished His ministry and sat down with Me in My heaven and He is high priest not of an earthly church but of a spiritual one. Since one of the duties of the high priest is to offer sacrifices, which Christ Jesus has already done, there is no need for another sacrifice. The writer wrote that if Jesus Christ was still in the earth, He would not be a priest at all because other priests make the physical offerings as laid down by the Law. (Hebrews 8:1-7) But Christ has been given a ministry of a far higher order of power than those who were high priests like Aaron or Levi. Christ is the enforcer of a new covenant founded on much better promises. If the old covenant had been effective and without fault, there would be no need to replace it with a better covenant with better and more effective promises, those being that people would become My children and inherit all of My authoritative and spiritual power while they live in the earth and in the heaven to come.
The writer of the letter of Hebrews quoted from the book of Exodus when he wrote the prophesy that foretold a better covenant than the first one. He wrote, "The day is coming when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not a covenant like the one that I made with their ancestors after I brought them out of slavery in Egypt. They abandoned that covenant with Me many times and so I was forced to desert them. The new covenant that I will make with the house of Israel is that I will put My words in their minds and write them on their hearts so that I will be their God and they will be My people. No one will need to teach his neighbor or brother to know Me because they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest, and I will forgive their iniquities and never recall their sins." (Hebrews 8:8-12; Jeremiah 31:31-34)
The writer, in trying to convince the readers of his letter about the dangers of returning to the old covenant, as some people had done, was trying to show them that it was futile to mix the old covenant of the flesh with the new covenant of My Holy Spirit. He showed that when there is a new covenant, then the old one is dead because it becomes so antiquated that it just disappears. It is no longer effective when a new effective one is instituted. (Hebrews 8:13)
The writer was just as serious as Paul was in his letters about warning the people not to return to the old covenant of Mosaic Law because if they were deceived by false prophets to return to something that is dead and has no power to forgive sins, then they made the sacrifice of Christ Jesus for their sins of no effect and they treat My new covenant of the Holy Spirit with disgust.
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews was trying to keep other Jewish converts from returning to their own vomit, as it was prophesied, in trying to have one foot in the law and one foot in My grace. It's impossible. (II Peter 2:22) You either love one and hate the other or you hold onto one and despise the other as Jesus Christ taught. (Matthew 16:13) He also taught that you cannot pour new wine into old wine skins because the skins will break and the wine will spill and be lost. (Matthew 9:16-17)
Some of the apostles wanted to keep the converted Jews from returning to the Law and to keep the pagan believers from adopting the Law in conjunction with the Good News of Christ which many false prophets influenced them to do. I caused multiple instructions and corrections to be written in all of the letters of the apostles to the churches in an effort to prevent more of those blasphemies.
You must be a watchman at the door of your mind by hearing the words of My Holy Spirit in your thoughts. My Spirit discerns the demonic spirits which tempt you to return to a dead covenant which offers no permanent forgiveness and enhancement of your daily life on earth. Anything that influences you to have a mindset of earning My favor by obeying religious rules and regulations are sent by the devil to captivate your mind by fleshly obligations which bind you to responsibilities which are taught by false prophets will gain My favor. I loved you and adored you and favored you even when you were deep in sin and I sent My Son to die for you. I am Love. There is nothing you can ever do to earn My love.
However, obeying My words to you by hearing My voice in your thoughts and taking My advice will benefit your life on earth because I know the traps set for you by your enemy, the devil. I will lead you around the traps and I give you the authoritative power to send the tempting demons to hell, the ones in your physical and generational DNA and the ones who tempt you from the outside of your mind. When you consistently take My advice, you have truly made Me your Father and Christ Jesus the Lord of your life. (John 14:23)
Your Father of Firm Promises and Oaths
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