My Dear Precious Child,
Choices are so important. Every moment of the day you have the choice to believe either the best things about someone or the worse about someone. Believing the best about someone amplifies or celebrates what I have done in a person's life and believing the worse things about someone amplifies or celebrates what the devil has done in a person's life. So believing the best about someone magnifies Me and believing the worse things about someone magnifies the devil.
As with any choice, there are consequences with every choice. When you believe the worse about someone, magnifying the devil's work in the life of that person, then you have placed yourself on the side of the devil because you have rejected good and magnified evil. But, when you magnify My work in the life of a person, you have joined yourself with Me and the good that I worked in that person, rejecting evil and magnifying good.
Choosing to magnify the good that I have done in the life of someone will distribute good energy into the world, I will be glorified and you and the person will inherit My wonderful blessings.
Choosing to magnify the bad that the devil has done in the life of someone will distribute evil energy into the world, the devil will be glorified and you and the person will inherit his curses.
My Holy Spirit will often give you the gift of discerning of spirits where you are alerted to the demonic activity in yourself or another person. The reason for the discernment is so that you can pray against that demon, commanding it to release you and the other person from its grasp. Discernment is never given by My Holy Spirit to you to cause you to multiply any demonic activity in the world by talking about it, accusing a person of sin or fighting with a person over doctrine. Discernment is given to you in order for you to pray for the person, to battle with the offending demon in the person so that you can cast the demon into hell. I never give you discernment in order for you to multiply evil in the earth, only that you cast it out of the earth and into hell.
Remember that one of the important elements of Jesus Christ's ministry in the earth was casting out demons. He never accused someone of being evil because the person had a demon. He merely cast the demon out of the person, causing My kingdom to come into the life of the person. (Luke 11:20) I also said that to the pure in heart, all things are pure. (Titus 1:15) A judgmental person delights in seeing the evil that is in the life of another person.
Jesus said that when a judgmental person judges the evil in someone else, the person doing the judging will receive the same degree of judgment from the devil as the person he or she judged. In fact, Jesus Christ said that the person doing the judging must take the demon of judgment out of his or her own eye before judging another person for his or her sins. (Matthew 7:1-5)
My desire for My children is that you always see the good in everyone. When you choose to see the good in everyone, you will look for the good instead of looking for evil in everyone. You must be like Jesus Christ who forgave His disciples for the choices that they made. He forgave Peter for denying Him three times, He forgave Judas for betraying Him and He forgave the Jews and Romans for crucifying Him, even asking Me to forgive them. (Luke 23:34)
In choosing His disciples, Jesus Christ had to look beyond the bad attitudes in the men such as the demon of pride with its desire to be the greatest disciple, the unbelief in Thomas, Peter's tendency to lie and deny Christ, their instability in abandoning Him when things got tough and other weaknesses of the flesh. Instead of amplifying those weaknesses, Jesus Christ knew that they would be loyal to Him in obeying His command to go to Jerusalem to the upper room and wait for My promise to be manifested in their lives. He knew that when My Holy Spirit came into their lives that they would have My power to rid themselves of those demonic weaknesses in their flesh. Christ saw the good and magnified it so that they would inherit the Holy Spirit and that My kingdom of heaven would come into their lives. (John 20:23; Acts 2:1-4 and 17-21)
Become like Jesus Christ, seeing the good in people instead of magnifying the bad. That's what Love does. Love magnifies good in order to distribute good attitudes in the earth. Love refuses to glorify the devil in the earth because Love refuses to glorify evil in other people.
Your Father with Eyes of Purity
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