My Dear Precious Child,
My love for My children is always the same. It's predictable, stable, never prone to tantrums, anger or judgment because I am not susceptible to emotional fluctuations. My love is never changing, never unpredictable, never upset, never expecting more from you than you can produce in your life. Because I am not ruled by human emotions, My children can count on Me to be the stable, unchanging foundation of their faith. (Luke 6:45-49)
Jesus Christ proved to you that I am unchanging in My emotions because He never chided, ridiculed, verbally abused or physically struck back at anyone. Since He was the image of My love for you, His attitudes toward His disciples, the sick, the diseased, the demon possessed and the religiously oppressed was always the same. He treated them with respect and with unconditional love. (Matthew 11:29)
Jesus Christ preferred the company of tax collectors and prostitutes because of their own humble attitudes. Consequently, Jesus Christ attracted the people who were in need of a physician, a counselor, a leader, a person who could deliver them from demons, also a prophet and a wise and knowledgeable teacher. He had what it took to free them from evil that had come into the lives of the religious leaders, the politicians and the common man through the commandments of sin and death which had originally been given to Moses to identify the works of the devil in the earth. Unfortunately they had been used by the devil and religious leaders to condemn and heap guilt upon My children. (Romans 4:2; Romans 7:7-13)
The only people with whom Jesus Christ was uncomfortable around were the political and religious leaders who had bonded together to plan and execute His crucifixion. They harassed Him, questioned Him, tricked Him and chased Him out of town, yet He remained emotionless, without negative reactions to them. He knew their plans and yet He was not confrontational to them. His demeanor never changed. He answered their questions with hidden wisdom and knowledge, which inflamed His accusers who wanted to get a negative emotional response from Him. He used their unstable emotions as bad examples, telling His followers that unless their virtues exceeded the actions of the political leaders, those being the Pharisees and the scribes, they would never get into My kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:20)
Even though He warned His followers not to listen to the words of the religious and political leaders, He taught them that they needed to follow the laws of the land which the leaders had made. However, He told His followers not to mimic the attitudes and actions of His own persecutors, the religious and political leaders. He exhibited steady, calm emotions when confronted by them.
Jesus Christ even told His followers that if they bound themselves in loyalty to the religious and political leaders that they would inherit the same woes of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, chief priests, priests and elders of the temples. (Matthew 23:13-37) Yet, there was no malice in His proclamation. He knew that the negative seeds that the leaders has sown in the lives of My children would cause them to reap the same demonic curses that the leaders were operating under. Jesus Christ knew the spiritual law of sowing and reaping, plus the spiritual law of binding and loosing. The teachings of Jesus Christ were intent on showing My children how to avoid the same curses that the devil had used to enslave the political and religious leaders and He wanted to show them how to avoid the traps of the devil.
When being taken before the political and religious leaders, while being questioned by them Jesus Christ was not ever negatively emotional in His answers to them. He remained emotionally stable and predictable, never accusing his questioners, never being prideful in His answers, never speaking any curses upon them because He was not the prince of curses. The devil is. One of the Roman leaders spoke that He found no fault in Jesus Christ and he refused at first to prosecute Him because of the calm demeanor of My Son. (Luke 23:4)
My wish is that My children would exemplify in their lives, by the power of My Holy Spirit, the ability to reflect the actions of Christ Jesus when He was under pressure from the leaders. My desire is that you refuse to be moody or confrontational with anyone, your children, your parents, your siblings, your friends, your business associates, your family members, your bosses or anyone in your life. I know that the devil is waiting for you and My other children for opportunities to get you into strife with someone so that you will yield to emotional outbursts of anger, sowing seeds that will come back upon you and curse your life in some way. My Holy Spirit can teach you how to monitor your emotions and cause you to be emotionally stable, predictable and steady.
When your foundation is steady and emotionally stable, you are mature in your possessing the mind of Christ. When you have the mind of Christ you give your family members a foundation of solid security because you are predictably steady and stable emotionally, just like I am steady and stable in our relationship. Family members will respect your wisdom and knowledge because it is delivered calmly and unemotionally. As a result they will follow your example, just like you follow My example in your dealing with people in your life. Your world needs calm, steady, stable, unemotional attitudes and actions from My children which are opposite from the conflict and instability of their political and religious leaders who glorify the devil in their behavior.
Your actions glorify your own Father, whether it is either Me or the devil. Who is your Father? Your attitudes and actions under stress reflect your real Father.
Your Loving Father of Constant Stability
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