Tuesday, August 20, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    The loving attitude from My gift of patience with My children is that you can expect Me to be steady, secure, unbending and negatively unaffected by your bad behavior, attitudes, words spoken or actions performed because I understand the temptations in your mind by the devil and I understand the weakness of your flesh in yielding to the temptations.  I understand, and so I have immovable patience with you.  If you ever doubt My patience, study the children of Israel and their tendency to over and over again leave My umbrella of protection to join with the devil's idols, hoping for salvation from evil to come from them when all the time they were binding themselves to the devil's curses instead.  I had enduring patience with the people of Israel from generation to generation to generation, forgiving their disobedience and their sins, their transgressions, their iniquities and their mistakes because I understood the weaknesses of their flesh and their tendency to yield to the devil's temptations.
     However, even though I was, and still am, patient with them, their sins and weaknesses of the flesh still sow seeds which cause them to inherit the curses and judgment of the devil in their lives on earth.  Yet, My patience with them causes Me to forgive their rebellious actions in every generation.  My patience allowed Me to be constant in My love for them, constant in My desire to comfort and protect them, but I cannot reverse the curses that come upon them because of their disobedience unless they return to Me and repent of their sins. (Luke 13:34-35) They chose to follow the will of the devil and so in doing that they  caused a separation to come between themselves and Me. 
     I always told the Jews to repent.  Repentance means to change the course of your life, to return wholeheartedly to Me to follow My commandments which were given to them to identify the evil that is in the earth in order for them to avoid evil traps.  Yet, many of them still continue to follow the will of the Pharisees, Sadducees, the scribes, the chief priests, the priests and the elders of the temple who are influenced by the devil in their political and religious traditions.  I am still patient with them and with all people who reject My ways.  Most often those people reject Me because of the actions of some of My children who are judgmental, condemning and rebellious themselves.
     It was My patience with humanity that caused Me to wait for the proper time in the history of the world in which all of the prophesies about the coming of My salvation through Jesus Christ were spoken.  Finally the prophets were able to speak by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and outlined My complete plan of salvation for not only all of humanity but also for the whole earth.  The prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, Jeremiah, other prophets and even Moses himself foresaw in visions the eventual ministry of Jesus Christ, his death on the cross, His descent into hell, His being raised from the dead by My Holy Spirit, His ascension into heaven to sit down with Me and pass His ministry of salvation of the earth on to My Holy Spirit whom He sent to come into the earth and live inside of My children in order to complete the salvation of humanity and the earth.  It was prophesied by Jesus Christ when He taught in a parable about My children casting demons out of the earth and into hell in which My angels escort the demons into the fires of hell.  In His parable Jesus Christ said that when the offending demons are exorcised from the earth by My children that My children will shine like the sun in the earth and lost people will see My good works and glorify Me.  (Matthew 13:36-42)
     It was My patience that waited for Jesus Christ to be born of a woman, to minister to the sick and demon possessed, to teach that My kingdom was soon coming into the earth; and it was My patience that waited for Him to be crucified, to be raised from the dead by My Spirit, and to finally declare to His disciples and followers that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him.  He encouraged the disciples to go and baptize all nations of the world in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and to teach them to OBSERVE ALL OF THE COMMANDS that He had given to them in His teachings and in the parables.  He also proclaimed to them that on that miraculous day He would come to be with them always.  (Matthew 28:16-20)
     It was My patience and joy that caused the disciples to do what Christ Jesus commanded them to do, which was to wait in Jerusalem for My promise which came to fruition on the day of Pentecost when My new covenant of My Holy Spirit descended from heaven and came to earth.  That was a glorious day in the earth when people from every nation in the world were gathered around the upper room and observed My Spirit descend from heaven and cause the disciples to speak in heavenly languages and also some spoke in the language of the people from every nation, speaking languages that they had never learned.  They were proclaiming the miracles of salvation to people from every nation in the world  in the languages of the listeners in languages that had not been learned by the speakers at the time.  It was recognized as a miracle.  My salvation was carried by the listeners back to their nations as they proclaimed that My salvation had come to earth in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 2:1-21)  The prophesy of Christ Jesus was fulfilled on that day that My kingdom of heaven would be preached to every nation and then the end of the old covenant would come because My new covenant of the Holy Spirit had been instituted in the earth, making it possible for Me to live inside of My children of promise and write My words on their hearts and in their minds, replacing the old, inefficient covenant of Moses.(Hebrews 8:13)
     It is My patience that waits for My children of promise to have revealed to them by My Holy Spirit that what they still wait for has already happened, that I came to live in My children of promise in the person of My Holy Spirit and that I am patiently waiting for them to exercise their authority in the earth by praying in season and out of season in My Holy Spirit, thus allowing My Spirit to cast offending demons into hell so that My children will release those demons from themselves, send them to hell and My children will shine like the sun in their world because My angels usher the demons into the fires of hell.  Christ Jesus prophesied it and it will happen. (Romans 8:20-28)
     My patience with My children in the earth endures forever.  Allow My Holy Spirit to use you to further My will in the earth of casting offending demons into hell so that you and your family will be free from temptations and fleshly passions, shining like the sun in the earth.  I said that in that day the lost people would see My good works in you and glorify Me.  (Matthew 13:41-43; Matthew 5:16; I Corinthians 6:20)
    My patience is for humanity and for every individual in humanity.  I am still patiently waiting for My children to receive the revelation that when I came to earth in the person of the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus Himself also came back to earth for the final time to live in My kingdom of heaven with Me because My kingdom of heaven is now surrounding My children who have made Christ and My Holy Spirit the Lord of the earth, in answer to the prayers that Jesus Christ taught to His disciples. (Matthew 6:10; II Corinthians 3:17)  Even though Christ Jesus said that My kingdom is not of this world, many of My children still wait, along with the Jews, for an earthly kingdom to be instituted.  My kingdom is spiritual. (John 18:36)  My kingdom first came to earth on the day of Pentecost and still comes in the lives of My children who seek Me. 
    My patience endures forever.  Allow My Holy Spirit to teach you what your responsibility is in relation to furthering My kingdom of God which already came to earth on the day of Pentecost and continues to come in the lives of My children who seek Me, seek My kingdom and seek My righteousness.  This is a glorious time in the earth.
    Your Father of Patient Endurance

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