Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Dear Precious Child,
    Think about this truth: parochialism, denominations, political partisanship, nationalism and racism are all the same thing, they further the theory of being separate but equal.  They discourage unity and they further separatism.  Often the separatism is taught by parents but it is actually a core generational curse, having been fed into mankind by the devil who instilled racism and separatism in the DNA of people in order to do his evil works of hatred, jealousy, pride, envy, suspicion and unkindness in the earth. 
    Think about the word denomination.  It comes from the word denominator, which means to divide.  In an equation the denominator divides into the numerator, which is wholeness, usually the bigger number.
    Think about parochialism.  It means to be narrow in scope, only being familiar with a narrow way of belief and thinking.
   Think about political partisanship.  It means members of one party strongly support the tenets of their own party rather than compromising with the other party or parties.
   Think about nationalism. It means to have an extreme love of your own country with attitudes of superiority over other countries.
   Think about racism.  It is the belief that certain races are superior to other races.  It was that demon that influenced Cain to kill Abel because of jealousy and strife. (Genesis 4:1-11)  
    All of those attitudes promote separation rather than unity.
    All of those attitudes derive from the devil's curses that came into the earth when Adam allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons who programmed the minds of all people with the theory of separate but equal as long as the other people don't interfere in your life.  Those attitudes were passed down to every generation in every country throughout history.
    To confirm that truth that it is programmed into the DNA of every person, think about when you enter a room that is filled with people of every church denomination.  Your natural inclination is to seek your own church members and gather with them for fellowship.  The same goes for political partisanship.  Your natural inclination is when you enter a room filled with people for you to seek to fellowship with someone who has the same political persuasion that you have.  It's also true with a room full of people of different nationalities and races. Your inclination is to seek people with your same color of skin.
    The devil's thinking was that if he could further separatism between people instead of unity, then unity would never be a problem to him because people would not learn to understand each other and become tolerant of each other.  The devil loses control of people who are united because his temptation is to influence people to seek to be separate and have feelings of superiority over everyone who does not think like themselves.     
    The devil's demons of pride, envy and jealousy lose their power over people if people began to understand and tolerate other people to the degree that they would become interested in the common good rather than the good of only a small portion of the population of which they are members.
    George Washington, the father of the United States of America, warned the founders of his country that the political leaders must not separate into two political parties or eventually the leaders would only govern for the good of their own political party rather than governing for the good of the entire nation, all because of the demon of separatism and tribalism.  It didn't take long for that travesty to happen.  It has persisted throughout history and it still persists to your day.  Nationalism, partisan politics, denominations, racism and parochialism all pretend to further being "separate but equal" in theory, but in reality they further greater autonomy of only a certain class of people. 
   It is through the deceptive theory of "separate but equal" that evil is done in the lives of My children in the earth as one group seeks to be the greatest among other groups, which will eventually lead to wars and killing.  Unity is what I further in the earth, as you have observed, unity with Me and unity with people because it is when My children in the earth come together to further a common good and kind cause that I am able to do miracles in your world.  (Matthew 5:20-48; Matthew 7:1-12)       
   Seek to further unity with Me and with everyone in your world.  When you do, then I am able to do miracles beyond belief in your behalf.
   Your Father of Divine Unity

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