Friday, March 6, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   When your brother Jesus was teaching about My kingdom of God coming into you life, Luke, the doctor, retained a truth that none of the other disciples gleaned from His teachings. Luke wrote in His gospel that Jesus Christ said that My kingdom was soon coming into the earth to be received by people who were waiting and seeking for it.  Jesus warned the disciples and His other followers that one of the things that would keep them from being alert enough to discern the signs was their being "overcharged with surfeiting," meaning eating excessively, drunkenness and becoming overcharged with the cares of this world, and so the day My kingdom came into the would pass without their being aware of it.  Surfeiting has come to mean anything in excess, as not only excess in eating, but excessive fleshly servitude to religious institutions, political parties, family problems, sexual desires, domination, exercise, submissiveness, worrying and self satisfaction which produce burdensome cares in your life.  (Luke 21:34-36)
   As a doctor, Luke knew that excess in anything can affect your mental, spiritual and physical health.  As a disciple of Jesus, he knew that the devil is behind excess in anything.  The devil can't create but he can tempt My children to engage in excess in anything so that the activity will become your god, the thing to which you are the most devoted in life.  That insight by Luke says that you will miss the marvelous things of God that My kingdom brings into your life because you are so "overcharged" in fleshly activities that My spiritual truths and spiritual blessings are overlooked.  The quality time that you should spend with Me in which My LIFE is created in you takes a back seat and eventually becomes nonexistent because you are too busy for spiritual intercourse with Me.  That was Luke's warning.  He had also taken to heart, as a physician, the teaching about seeds by Jesus when Jesus taught that seeds, meaning My words, can fall among thorns, those thorns being the deceitfulness of riches and excessive worldly cares which suffocate My words so that the person becomes unfruitful. (Matthew 13:20) That was another teaching by Jesus Christ about engaging in excess in anything.
    In your day, now that My kingdom of God has come into your life in the person of My Holy Spirit and you are baptized in My kingdom also, the devil will tempt you to become fleshly obligated to anything and everything in order for you not to be able to find time for our private times together where My personal words to you become true communion.  Luke, the doctor, knew what being "overcharged" in anything also does to the spiritual life of a person as well as the mental and physical life.  Mental and physical exhaustion can overtake the desire for Biblical study and communion with Me, both which build a strong one-on-one spiritual relationship with Me.  When Jesus taught this truth, Luke's spiritual antennas perked up, his being the only disciple to pass that truth of Jesus on to you.  Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil and His identifying this truth that anything in excess is the works of the devil is enlightening.
    You have become alerted to this warning by Jesus Christ.  Recognize the snares of the devil which succeed in causing a loss of communion with Me.
    Your Father of One-on-One Communion.

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