Sunday, April 4, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    One of the most miraculous things that happened when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, that being from hell where He went to pay for the sins of the whole world, He left behind him in hell all of your mistakes, your failures, your inadequacies, your inequities, your sins, your iniquities, your transgressions, your lawbreaking, your failures, everything that caused you to not measure up in your own eyes and the eyes of other people to a standard.  He left all of those causes of your unhappiness in hell.  When He rose again, He rose with a pure, unadulterated, sinless, merciful, loving and peaceful new life which He gives to all of My children when they are born again by the power of My Holy Spirit.  (II Timothy 3:5)
    That is why the eggs of fowl are used as symbols of Easter.  Life begins in the egg of a woman and new spiritual life is in the new life given My Jesus Christ when He rose from the dead in hell and He rose to new life that is pure enough for you to live a life of dependency upon My Holy Spirit while you live in the earth and also when you come to live in My heaven with Me.    
    When My sperm of the Holy Spirit comes to create new life in you, like He did in Jesus Christ when He rose from the dead and when He catapulted Jesus out of hell into the earth with no resemblance to the old human life that was formerly found in Him, He sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of people who seek Me and seek My goodness instead of seeking the cursed lives of the Pharisees and the scribes who hold the form of religion but deny the power of it, the power being My Holy Spirit.  (I John 3:8-9; I John 4:4-18)
   When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He left in hell the failures of all human beings.  He paid the price of restitution for you, serving your life sentence and your death sentence for failing to live up to My measure of perfection which brings happiness and joy to your life on earth.  Then, when you, as a matter of choice, receive His New Life inside of you by the power of My Holy Spirit, then you are as He was in the world, pure and unadulterated in My eyes and in the eyes of every spiritual being who belongs to My kingdom of heaven.  You become pure and adulterated in My eyes when you accept Him as being the substitute for your sins.  (II Corinthians 5:17)
    Not only is the New Life of My Holy Spirit  given by Me to you when you are born again, but you leave behind in hell the failures of your former life, including the generational curses of the devil which plagued your life on earth.  They have no more control over your life on earth unless you allow them. It is with the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit that you are able to cast those demons who tempt you into the fiery furnace where they will suffer for eternity their cruel temptations and control over My children.  (Matthew 13:36-42)
   Easter is more than just Christ Jesus being raised from the dead by My Holy Spirit.  It's about the new life that He offers to you when He left behind your failures and your mistakes in hell and gives to you the New Life that I promised that is available in the person of the Holy Spirit living inside of your body which becomes My temple in the earth.  (Jeremiah 31:31-34; I Corinthians 3:16: II Corinthians 3:17-18) 
    Your Father of New Life     

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