Saturday, April 17, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    After I told Jesus to tell His disciples the importance of being in harmony with everyone in order for you to inherit all of the blessings that I have for you, in the truth that I go after any one of human beings who are lost I encouraged His disciples through Him that if anyone had anything against them that they should go and apologize and bring peace between the two of you.  I told them that if the person does not accept your apology that you are to take another person or two with you to talk to the person who has an offense against you.  If the person does not believe the two or three witnesses, then I said for them to take the person before the church court or the political court in order for the offensive person to realize the importance of their forgiving you and becoming harmonious with you.  If the person still does not accept your apology and give up his anger toward you, then I said for you to treat the person like a tax collector or a pagan by being in no fellowship with the person because if you bind yourself to him or her then you are binding yourself to the devil and his kingdom which has bad results. (Matthew 18:11-18)
     Jesus Christ went on to tell His disciples that where two or three people are in harmony with each other and they meet together, then I am in their midst.  As I told you in the past, I always attend in the spiritual dimension family reunions where people are gathered together in My name.   Notice that I said when the people are in harmony that I am always there.  (Matthew 18; 19-20)
    I went on to teach through Jesus another principle of My kingdom of God when Peter asked how many times he should forgive someone, suggesting seven times?  Jesus told Peter not just seven times but seventy times seven times.  Then He spoke to them a parable about a king who was settling with his attendants any money owed to the king.  One of his attendants owed $20,000,000 to the king.  He had no money with which to pay the king so he begged the master for time to get the money.  The king refused, saying that if the attendant did not pay that he would sell the man, his family and all of their possessions in order to settle the debt.  The attendant continued in his begging.   Eventually the king was overcome with pity and compassion and forgave the entire loan that the attendant owed to him. (Matthew 18:23-27) 
    When the attendant left the presence of the king so grateful for having been forgiven, he encountered a second attendant who owed him money.  That second attendant asked for more time to be able to pay the first attendant who had been forgiven by the king.  The first attendant who had been forgiven by the king refused to give the second attendant time to pay his debt to him, and he demanded the money immediately.  The first attendant had the second attendant who owed him money put in prison for nonpayment of the debt.  Some other attendants told the king about the first attendant and his cruel judgment of the second attendant; to which the king called the attendant which he had forgiven before him and withdrew his graceful offer to eliminate the debt and sent the ungrateful and wicked attendant to prison.  The king told the ungrateful attendant that he should have passed on  the gracious offer to forgive the second attendant's debt to him instead of refusing to have pity and compassion on him. (Matthew 18:29-31)
    Jesus Christ told his disciples that I could not forgive them of their sins if they did not forgive other people of their sins.  If they do forgive other people, then I can easily forgive them.  (Matthew 18:32-35)  But, if they hold on to their sin of vengeance and refuse to forgive other people who owe them money, or anything, then I can't forgive them, which means to send forth the sin from them, because they are holding on to the sins of other people.   You at least owe forgiveness to other people because I have forgiven  you of every imaginable sin of thought, attitudes, words and deeds.
   You cannot be in harmony with someone who does not accept your apology and instead holds something against you.  Do everything in your power to bring peace between the two of you so that there is harmony between you.  This principle fits into the teaching of Jesus Christ of binding and loosing.  If you refuse to loose someone of a sum of money owed to  you, then you are binding yourself to the demons behind the vengeance of the person who owes you money. Paul said to do good to someone who hold an offense against you.  He said to give food to him if he is hungry and to give drink to him if he is thirsty.  He said in doing a kind action toward an enemy that you are allowing My angels to place coals of fire on the head of the enemy and burn the demon of vengeance out of the person, leaving the person with a desire for harmony with you.  (Romans 12:12-21:Ezekiel 10: 1-2)
    Overcoming evil with good is My desire for all of My children.  If you try to overcome evil with more evil, you only add more evil in the world, which places you in the devil's family in which you inherit his curses.
    Learn the lessons of forgiveness and harmony well.  Your observance of them places you in My kingdom of God and causes My blessings to flood into your life on earth.
    Your Father of an Abundance of Rewards and Blessings.  

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