Monday, April 5, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    After Jesus miraculously fed the four thousand men and their wives and children with the seven loaves of bread and a few small fish, He went to another district to teach about My kingdom of God soon coming into the lives of people who were waiting for My New Covenant with people to emerge.  (Jeremiah 31:31-34)  In that district the Pharisees and Sadducees pressured Jesus to show them a sign from heaven proving His divine authority.  After all, word had gotten around that He had done many miracles and healing in other districts.  The religious politicians in their district wanted to see some visible signs that proved the deity of Jesus Christ.  Instead of doing a miracle, He told the politicians that they were able to read the skies in order to predict the weather, such as if the sky is red in the evening, then they knew it was going to be fair weather all evening, but when tomorrow comes and the sky is red, gloomy and threatening looking, then they know that it will be stormy that day.  He chided the religious/political leaders for being able to read the signs in the sky in order to predict the weather, but they were unable to predict the signs of the times relating to His appearance in the earth which would begin My new covenant with people. 
    Jesus even accused the religious and political Pharisees and Sadducees of being a wicked and morally unfaithful generation, saying that they craved a sign.  However, He said that the only sign to be given to them would be the sign of the prophet Jonah.  That's all that He said to them before He left them and went away.  (Jonah 3:4-5)  They knew the prophesy from Jonah's being in the belly of the sea creature for three days, yet their spiritual eyes were dull.
    When the disciples reached the other side of the sea they found that they had forgotten to bring any bread.  Jesus used that occasion to warn the disciples about the words of the Pharisees and Sadducees.  The disciples were so guilt ridden from not bringing any bread that they thought Jesus was making them feel more guilty for their not bringing any bread.   Jesus knew their thoughts and asked why they were discussing their guilt about not bringing any bread.  He told them that they had so little faith in Him and His ability to provide for the crowds because they had forgotten about the five loaves and how many loaves were left over after feeding more than five thousand people.  He went on and mentioned the four thousand people and the seven loaves and also recalled to memory the large baskets of food that were left over. They had missed the entire emphasis from His words, thinking that He was angry with them for forgetting to bring bread. (Matthew 16:5-8) 
    The disciples finally realized that Jesus was not talking about bread but that He was talking to them about the fact that they needed to beware of the words of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.   They voiced their revelation by saying, "Oh, yeah, I see.  You were talking about the leaven or words of the religious politicians, the Pharisees and the Sadducees." (Matthew 16:9-12)
    It was in this setting and this series of conversations with the disciples that Jesus realized that they were not yet receiving the revelation from the Holy Spirit about His own teachings. Many times My children are so earthly minded that they skip right over the deeper truths in the teachings of Jesus Christ because they are not yet trained in spiritual matters because the Holy Spirit had not been given yet to humanity.  The prophet Paul spoke many times about this truth after he began His ministry to the Gentiles.  He told some of his disciples that they were still babies, still drinking milk instead of eating the true meat of truth that come from My Holy Spirit revealing all of the deep truths in the teachings of Jesus Christ. (I Corinthians 3:1-9)  According to Paul, Jesus' parable made the truth clear such as what is in the parable of the sower, that if the people did not allow My Spirit to reveal truth to them that the devil would come and steal the truth away from them. (Matthew 13:18-23) 
    My children must heed the warning from Jesus about their refusing to listen to the religious and political leaders and their teachings about what they considered to be truth.  Jesus called those men the products of a wicked and unfaithful generation who craved signs from heaven in order to believe. 
    My children who bind themselves to religious/political leaders whose attitudes, words and actions are cruel, hateful, filled with strife and division will find themselves unable to receive the multitude of blessings that My Kingdom of God affords them because of the resurrected Christ and His sacrifice for the sins of the world.  The devil sends false prophets to My children in order to steal all of their blessings and rewards that I have for them.  It's a simple replay of what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve's lives became cursed because they listened to the voice of the devil in their thoughts.   It's the same devil, but different clothing.  He always comes in sheep's clothing instead of the evil wolf that he is.
     You must heed the voice of the Holy Spirit from My heaven and refuse the ones from hell in order to walk in My blessings in the earth.   I spoke through Jesus Christ and His disciples many times about the keys to My kingdom of God which was soon coming into the earth after the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ was over and He turned it over to My Holy Spirit who was to come and live inside of the people who seek Me and My righteousness. 
    Your Father of Truth Who Produces Blessings   

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