Sunday, June 6, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    When Saul became Paul by becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus, he immediately went into synagogues proclaiming Jesus as My Son.  He had a reputation for pursuing believers in Jesus and having stoned them and even seen that they were killed.  Everyone who heard him proclaim Jesus Christ as My Son were amazed at the transformation of a person, questioning, "Is that the person who harassed, overthrew and destroyed in Jerusalem the very people who called upon His name?" They surmised that he had come to arrest people and put them in chains before the chief priests.
    Paul's ministry increased rapidly and that confused the Jews even more when they compared the evidence proving that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah.  After a while, when Paul appeared not to change his confession of his conversion, the Jews began to plan how to arrest him and slay him.  Fortunately their plan became known to Paul.  The Jews in Jerusalem guarded the city gates day and night in order to intercept him and kill him.  
   In Damascus the disciples lowered Paul in a basket down the walls of the city so that he could go to Jerusalem.  When he arrived there in Jerusalem he tried to find the disciples in order to associate himself with them but they were afraid of him because they did not believe that he was truly a disciple.  However, Barnabas vouched for Paul to the disciples in Jerusalem and told them the testimony about his miraculous conversion of seeing Jesus, Himself, along the way to Damascus, having Jesus speak to him and how Paul had been courageously preaching in the name of Jesus. The disciples were convinced by the testimony of Paul about his miraculous testimony and they allowed him to preach in Jerusalem.  There were still Jews who were not convinced about Paul's conversion so they were seeking to slay him.  The other believers sent him to his home town, Tarsus.
    Because of Paul's leaving the area, there was total peace between the believers in the Jerusalem area as the reverential fear of the Lord multiplied with the ministry of the believing disciples.  The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believers increased as they had peace and unity with each other.  Peter arrived and continued his ministry there.  In his ministry he found a man who had been paralyzed and bedfast for either years.  Peter told the man that Jesus Christ made him whole, for him to get up and make his bed to which he had been confined for years.  Immediately the man, Aeneas, stood up and walked.   Because of that miracle having been done in the name of Jesus Christ, the entire inhabitants of the surrounding towns became converted. 
    In another local town there was a woman named Tabitha who had always did charitable works and good deeds.  She fell sick and died.  She had been cleaned and laid dead in her upstairs room. The disciples sent for Peter who was in a near town. Peter accompanied the messengers and they went to the home of Tabitha.  All of the widows surrounded Peter dressed in clothes that Tabitha had made for them.  Peter emptied the room of mourners, knelt down and prayed.  Then he turned to the body of Tabitha and told her to get up.  She opened her eyes, saw Peter and sat up.  Peter gave her his hand and lifted her up.   Then Peter called the widows and other mourners in and displayed Tabitha to them alive.   
    The miracle of raising Tabitha from the dead became known all over the area and it was through that miracle that many people began to believe in Jesus as being My Son.  Peter remained in the area for a long time with Simon, the tanner.
    Paul and Peter had remarkable ministries.  For a while it was necessary for them to be separated so that there was peace and unity in the areas where each one ministered.
    You must learn from the ministries of the disciples which actions enhanced My will and which ones thwarted My will in the areas where the Holy Spirit was doing great works through the disciples.   Miracles followed both Peter and Paul in their ministering in the name of Jesus.
    Your Father of Peace and Unity 

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