Wednesday, June 9, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    The persecutions that happened as a result of the killing of Stephen scattered the Christians to distant countries without their telling the message of the salvation of Jesus Christ in My kingdom of God to anyone except Jews.   There were a few believers who proclaimed the Good News of the Gospel to the Gentile Greeks.  I was with them in power so a great number eventually believed in Jesus Christ and trusted in Him.  The rumor of there being new believers in other countries reached the church in Jerusalem and so they sent Barnabas to check out the rumors.  When He saw that My grace had surely been bestowed upon them, Barnabas became joyful and instructed them to remain devoted to Me and to the message of Jesus Christ, his being a good man and controlled by the Holy Spirit, plus his being full of faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  A larger number of believers were added to the church because of his testimonies.   
     Barnabas went to different towns in search of Paul because there were fields to be explored for ministry.  He found Paul and brought him back to Antioch for a year and they were guests of the members of the church.  They met with the members and instructed them on various truths.  It was there where the believers were first called Christians, being described as followers of Christ.  There were prophets who came from Jerusalem to Antioch, one of them being Agabus who prophesied by the Holy Spirit that there would be a severe famine come upon the entire world.  The disciples decided to sent financial relief, according to their own abilities because they had all prospered, sending relief to the believers in Judea.  Paul and Barnabas delivered the money to the elders of the church in the famine stricken areas.
    It was by the miraculous testimonies of many believers that the church grew and grew in the world, Jews and Gentiles alike being converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and My kingdom of God coming into the earth.   The renewal was not just confined to the apostles and Paul.  The Good News was shared and received by many people as the Holy Spirit gave them the Words of Salvation.   Their own stories or testimonies were valuable tools for ministry because of the miracles and healing that they had seen and been loyal in sharing.          
    I said that you would overcome the evil in the world by the blood of Jesus Christ and the words of your testimony.  Renewal of Spirit happens every time you give your testimonies or other testimonies to unbelievers.  There is power in testimonies because they are real to you and they become real to other people when they are heard.  Remember that I said that, "I become REAL in testimonies."
      Your Father of Current Reality 

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