Monday, June 7, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    Lifetime experiences are useful in spiritual matters because I can use the truth in them to teach you and encourage you.  Cornelius, a  soldier in the Italian Regiment, was a man who loved and honored Me with obedience, as did his household, and he gave generous alms to the poor and prayed continually to Me.   Early in the afternoon he clearly saw a vision of an angel from Me entering and speaking personally to him.  Cornelius stared at the angel and became scared.  The angel told Cornelius that his prayers and his generous gifts to the poor had appeared as a sacrifice to Me and were remembered by Me.   The angel told Cornelius to send men to Joppa and have them call there at the house of a tanner named Simon for another man named Peter who was lodging at the house of Simon.  
   The men went on to Joppa and while they were on their way Peter went to the roof of Simon's house to pray at noon.  When Peter became hungry while praying he went into a trance ordained by Me.  He saw the sky open and something like a sheet was lowered by the four corners and it was descending to the earth.   The sheet contained every manner of wild beast, creeping things on the earth and birds of the air.  A Voice said to Peter to rise up, kill and eat. 
    Peter replied to the vision that he would in no way eat those things because he had never eaten anything that was forbidden as being profane, defiled, unhallowed or unclean in their Jewish tradition.
    The Voice said again to Peter that what I have cleansed he was not to declare them defiled or profane.  That phenomenon occurred three times, then the sheet was taken up into heaven.  Peter was confused and even doubted what was the message in what he had seen even when the messengers who were sent by Cornelius stopped and stood before the gate to Simon's house. The messengers inquired if Peter was there visiting Simon.   The Holy Spirit told Peter that there were messengers asking to visit with him.   The Holy Spirit told Peter to go meet with the messengers without any doubt or hesitation because I had sent them.
    Peter went to talk to the men and assured them that he was Peter, the man whom they were seeking, and asked what they wanted with him.   The messengers told Peter that they had been commanded by Cornelius to go to the house of Simon and tell Peter that  Cornelius, a man who was a man of faith, had been instructed by an angel to send messengers to Peter and tell him that Peter was to come to the house of Cornelius because Peter had received an answer to prayer that Cornelius needed to hear.  Two days later Peter and some of the believers went with Peter to the home of Cornelius where he and some of his relatives were waiting for Peter.  (Acts 10:22-24) 
    When Peter arrived there Cornelius fell down on his knees and worshiped Peter to which Peter told him to stand up because Peter was a man just like Cornelius.  Inside of the house there was a large group of people waiting.  Peter addressed them by reminding them that they were aware that it was unlawful for a Jew to keep company with anyone of another nationality.  He went on to tell them that I had shown him not to call any person of a different nationality unclean or unhallowed.   He affirmed that any person, no matter what nationality, in treating Me with worshipful obedience and upright living, that person is acceptable to Me and is surely to be received by Me. (Acts 10:25-34)
     Peter continued in his message to the people at the home of Cornelius by telling them the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ who is Lord of all.   Peter said it was the same message that they proclaimed after John the Baptist taught about his baptism and proclaimed about the coming baptism of Jesus Christ, which John the Baptist said was to be the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 10:34-39)  Peter proclaimed that Jesus went about doing the good works of the Holy Spirit by curing those people who were harassed by the devil.  Peter told the people at the home of Cornelius about how Jesus Christ was anointed and consecrated by Me with the Holy Spirit and power, that Peter had been a witness to all of those events that Jesus did in Jewish territory and in Jerusalem, and that he had seen the incident when they had put Jesus to death on the cross.
    The exhilarating part of the testimony involved Peter telling the crowd that I raised Jesus Christ back to life again and caused Him to be plainly seen by hundreds of people, not by unbelievers but by believers who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.   Peter told the crowd that Jesus Christ told the disciples to preach to people and to give testimony that Jesus Christ is the judge of the living and the dead, as ordained by Me.  He told them the entire good news by telling them that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will have all of their sins forgiven in His name.  (Acts 10:42-43)
     As Peter told that testimony, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to him.  The Jewish believers were surprised and amazed that the free gift of the Holy Spirit had been bestowed and poured out even on the Gentiles who were present. The Jewish believers heard the Gentiles praying in unknown tongues, extolling and magnifying Me.
     Peter asked if anyone could forbid and refuse water for baptizing those people, seeing that they had received the Holy Spirit, just as many had on the day of Pentecost.  Peter ordered that the Gentiles be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.  (Acts 10:44-48)
     My divine orchestration involved many messages and commands to different people.  Each person needed to be obedient for My divine plan to be exercised and completed for the Gentiles who had previously been declared unclean to instead be declared clean and worthy of becoming recognized as My children.  To the Jewish Christians that was the beginning of their living in a new earth which was inhabited by Gentile Christians who were also born of My Holy Spirit, baptized in My Holy Spirit and surrounded by the same New Jerusalem of heaven that they were.  (Matthew 6:10; Hebrews 12:1 and 22-29)) It was a new day, a new heaven and a new earth!
    Your All Inclusive Father 

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