Friday, March 3, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, The disciple of Jesus Christ and apostle named Mark wrote about the parable of the wicked tenants which Matthew did not include in his rendition of the parables. It's an important one, filled with prophesy of the future for Jesus and My Kingdom of God. Mark wrote that there was a man who planted a vineyard and he fenced it in, dug a trough for the winepress and built a tower. Then he leased it to tenants and went abroad. When the time came for the owner of the vineyard to be paid by the tenants, he sent a servant to collect from the tenants his share of the produce from the vineyard. The tenants seized the servant, beat him and sent him away with no produce for the owner. So the owner sent another servant to collect his rightful share of the produce. The tenants beat him about his head and treated him shamelessly. The owner sent another servant to the tenants and they killed him. Then he sent more tenants, some whom they beat and some they beat and also killed. The owner had his son left so he sent his son, last of all. He surmised that surely they would respect his son, but the tenants recognized him as the owner's son, saying they must kill him, too, which they did, and threw him into the vineyard. After Jesus Christ taught this parable He asked His disciples what would the owner of the vineyard do in that situation? He replied that the owner would make an end to those tenants and give the vineyard to others. That was a perfect allegory of My plan for the salvation of the earth. In My original plan which originated with Moses, I tried to guide the Israelites away from the devil and his works in the earth but they continued to resort to worshiping idols and even killed My prophets whom I sent to them to warn them to return to Me and I would forgive them and continue to be their God. Every prophet whom I sent to them was abused, beaten and eventually killed because of their messages of warnings from Me which were meant to save them from evil and restore them onto the path of freedom which I had already done through Moses when I sent him to lead them out of bondage in Egypt. After I exhausted My number of prophets I sent My Son, Jesus Christ, whom the Israelites treated with hatred, disdain and disrespect, killing Him also. However, My original plan had been to eventually go to the pagans and preach My salvation of the earth to them. The prophet that I sent to them named Paul called My plan a mystery hidden from men and demons since the foundation of the world, that people who knew no Savior welcomed Jesus Christ as their Savior and they evangelized the world, the pagans being the "others" whom the parable of Jesus Christ as written by Mark revealed. (Mark 12:1-11) The parable did not contain all of the magnificent ways that My salvation would come to the earth, but it outlined that the Israeli Jews had rejected Jesus Christ , (Psalm 118:22-23) and so I sent to the Gentile pagans via the apostle Paul the message of salvation and evangelized the world through them. Salvation was still available to the Jews individually but not as a nation, which was their desire. I sent My Kingdom of God to live inside of people in the earth, no matter the nationality, and sent My Holy Spirit to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through whoever would call upon Me for salvation, confirming the prophesy that, "The stone was rejected by the builder, the one that became the cornerstone. It was the Lord's doing and it is wonderful to see." After Jesus Christ taught that parable, the Pharisees, priests and religious politicians had deep desires to arrest Him, but they realized that that parable from Jesus was speaking about them, and they were afraid of the crowds so they left Jesus Christ alone and went away on that occasion. In Jesus Christ's parables relating to My Kingdom of God coming into the world, He prophesied every facet of My plan that had not yet been prophesied for saving the earth and humanity from the evil demons in the earth. Because the plan had been hidden in My mind from the foundation of the world, it needed to be prophesied in the earth in order for the plan to unfold as I designed. (Mark 12:1-11) Your Father of Workable Plans

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