Thursday, March 2, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, The disciple Mark added some parables that Jesus Christ taught in His repertoire of Truths that Matthew did not add to his memory of them when he wrote about them. One which Mark wrote about was the parable of the measure of Truth that a person retains in his or her mind. The disciples all sat under the teachings of Jesus Christ but some of the parables were retained in the mind of one disciple that was possibly not understood and therefore not remembered by another one. That is why I included all four of the writings in the gospels, in order to include all of the Truths found in the parables. In the parable relating to the measure that a person gives to others, which refers to Truths, offerings, wisdom or knowledge, is one that Mark remembed and wrote about. (Mark 4:24-25) He must have remembered the Truth in it, that being that if a person gives offerings sparingly, then his or her return will be meager. The person who gives offerings generously from a giving heart, then his return on those offerings will be plentiful. Jesus said it will be the amount given and much more besides. The truth in that parable also relates to the wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding that a person receives when reading the teachings of Jesus Christ. If that person understands most of the truths that are contained in the teachings of Jesus Christ, then he or she should be so thrilled as to share them with other people which leaves room in his or her mind to understand more of the Truths contained in more of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Portions of Truth hunger for more and more Truth. Sharing Truths with other people will cause a person to increase in wisdom, knowledge, revelation and understanding because more parts to the puzzle relating to My Kingdom of God have been provided by Jesus Christ in His teachings of the parables. The secret in that parable is that Truth and money should never be stagnant. They must be shared with others in order to create more understanding of future teachings which fill in more segments of the complete Truth. Being miserly with money, My wisdom, My knowledge or My revelations is not good but is in fact restrictive because of the increase in selfishness displayed by the lack of sharing with others what might be helpful to them in their struggles in life. Selfishness is the product of a demonic spirit which makes a person clutch to everything in fear of not having enough or not having anything. When things are shared with others, then it creates room for more of the same blessings to be attracted to you because you value Truth. Your Father of Plenty

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