Thursday, March 9, 2023


My Dear Precious Child, When a group of people told Jesus that the blood of some of the people from Galatia had been mixed with their sacrifices by Pilate Jesus asked the crowd of people if they thought that the sins of the Galatians who had suffered like that were greater sinners than any other Galatians? He answered Himself and told them that no, they weren't greater; but unless they repented they would perish just like the Galatians or the 18 on whom the tower at Siloam fell and killed them. Jesus asked the people in the crowd if they wondered if they were more guilty than the other people living in Jerusalem. He answered Himself again and told the people that no, they were not more guilty; but that unless they, themselves repented they would all perish just like the Galatians did. (Luke 13:1-5) Then Jesus Christ told this parable of My Kingdom of God: A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he went looking for fruit on the tree but he found none, zero. He said to the man who looked after the tree that for three years he, the person who had planted the tree, had come to harvest fruit from the tree and had found none. He told the workman to cut it down. But the workman begged the person who had planted the tree to leave it at least one more year and give the workman time to dig around the tree and fertilize it. He said that it might bear fruit the next year; and if not, then the person who planted it could cut it down. (Luke 13:6-9) In that parable Jesus was indicating that the nation of Jerusalem was the tree and it had not born fruit of salvation by trusting in its many religious Laws. The workman decided that it needed nuturing through feeding it fertilizer and he was convinced that it might bear fruit with nutrients. The nation of Israel had allowed the devil to curse their nation just like Adam and Eve had allowed the devil to curse their earth in the beginning. The workman was convinced that he could cause the barren tree to bear fruit by fertilizing it and giving it tender, loving care. The nation of Israel did not bear fruit of righteousness by following the Law, and still does not, except for the individual Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Some individual Jews heard the message of salvation through the disciples, they repented, and then were filled with My Holy Spirit, allowing Me to create a new person inside of them with no human religious heritage but only possessing the heritage of My Kingdom of God in which they became then, and become now in your lifetime, baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-13) The old covenant of Jewish Law died that day, became ineffective, dead, null and void in the lives of humanity because My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit came to earth to live inside of people, even restoring to Life the Jewish person who unites himself to Christ, creating a new person who enjoys My New Covenant of the Holy Spirit where I come to live inside of the person. However, masses of Jews did not accept the salvation of Jesus Christ but masses of pagans eventually did. The apostle Paul ministered to the pagan unbelievers because Jesus Christ called him to minister salvation to them. When the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached to the Gentile pagans, their spiritual eyes were opened and masses of people became born again of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. The Jewish religious/political officials did not repent and turn from their sins, which is what the word "repent" means. Many of them persecuted their Jewish relatives who had been born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit, some Jews even killing their relatives, which is what the prophesy of Jesus had foretold earlier. (Luke 12:51-53) In the parable of the fruitless tree Jesus Christ was confirming that the tree of Jewish heritage had not produced My salvation in the world, so My mission was to go to the Gentile pagans and offer salvation to them, which was prophesied by the old covenant prophets such as Isaiah, Malachi and Jeremiah. (Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 49:22; Malachi 1:11; Jeremiah 16-19-21) After the day of Pentecost when some of the Jews saw that I had blessed the Gentile pagans, they repented and became citizens of My Kingdom of God, bearing fruit, like the fruit tree in the parable of Jesus Christ, but the entire nation of Israeli religious heritage still does not produce fruit of salvation. The three years of waiting for the fertilized tree to bear fruit in the parable of Jesus, as told by Luke, is indicative of the three years of the ministry of Jesus Christ in the earth in which He taught and ministered in the Jewish synagogues, not only teaching about My Kingdom of God coming into the earth but also doing mighty miracles in the sight of the Pharisees and priests; but still they did not repent and turn from their sins. Some individual Jews became followers of Jesus Christ and became born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and began to bear fruit for My Kingdom of God in the earth, proving that being fertilized and cared for produced fruit in them, but no fruit was produced in the religious/political Jews who were still bound to the Law of Moses. Your Father of Multiple Chances

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